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"Bella once we drop Elisa off at school you have an interview downtown," Jay said handing me my morning coffee. "Is she awake?" I ask groggily from just waking up. "Yes don't worry she is up and brushing her teeth," he assures me. "Tomorrow you will be meeting Justin in Miami for a quick interview then we fly to New York for a few hours for a shoot," he informs.

All that he was saying was making me tired. "One day at a time," I tell him getting up and getting myself together for the day. The hair and makeup team came in and gave me a soft glam and curled my hair. "Good morning mommy," Elisa smiles as I meet her in the kitchen to get her some breakfast. "Good morning pumpkin. Did you walk and feed your animals?" I ask referring to her puppy and bunny. "Yes, while you were in glam uncle Jay helped me do all of that. But mommy can I go to Northie's house after school?" she asks.

"If that's okay with auntie Kim, I don't mind just make sure you make it to dance class," I pour her a bowl of captain crunch. Elisa's Ipad started ringing and her face lit up. "Daddy!" she answered excitedly to see her father. "Hey baby girl how are you?" he asks. "I'm good you know just keeping mommy company while you are gone," she smiles and I smile at her. "I miss you," he tells her and it makes my heart melt. "I miss you like tons more daddy," she laughs.

"How much do you love me?" he asks her. She pretends to think and she opens her arms wide. "I love you this much," she smiles. "Well I love you more than that," he tells her. "Well I love you more than you love me," she tries to outsmart him. "Nope not possible," he tells her making her giggle. "I want to see you," she pouts. "Daddy wants to see you too but I have to do a little more work and then I will be home. Where is mommy?" he asks.

"She's in front of me," Elisa turns her Ipad around to face me. "Hey beautiful," he winks making me blush. "Hey baby, how is everything in Miami?" I ask. "It's really hot," he laughs. "I'm sure it is," I put my coffee in the sink.

"How are things at home?" he asks. "Boring without you," I pout. "I'll see you in a day baby," he smiles. "Only for a couple of hours and then I am shipped off to New York," I sigh. "Hey, look at me. We're going to make those couple of hours work alright now show me that pretty smile and Elisa let me see your smile too," Elisa stood next to me and we both smiled. Justin took a picture. "Alright, angels daddy has to get some sleep I'll call you a little later on. I love you!" he blows us a kiss before ending the call.

"Let's get you to school pumpkin," I kiss her and Jay leads us to the car. After I drop Elisa off and wish her an amazing day at school we head straight to the interview. "Good morning," the host said through the mic with a smile. "Good morning," I smile back. "Today we have the official Mrs. Bieber in the building. How are you Isabella?" he asks.

"I'm good," I sit back in the chair. "So it's been a couple of months since you and Justin announced your marriage to each other. What is that like for you guys?" he asks. "Being married helped me grow a lot. I never really had to think about someone else when it came to the decisions I needed to make. Now I have to think about what's best for both of us and our daughter also,"

"Yes! Cute little Elisabeth. Justin posted a picture of you and her on FaceTime with him this morning. What is it like being away from your husband?"

"It kills me honestly, I feel like a part of me is missing when he leaves. Justin is my better half and I don't like going too long without seeing him," I sigh. "That is so cute, I'm sure he feels the same way about you too. So what's up next for the Bieber's?" he asks.

"Well you know Justin has a new album coming out. I am so proud of him. He has worked extremely hard on this album. We also have twins on the way," I rub my belly, "Yeah congrats on the twins. Do you know what they are yet?" he asks.

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