Family Sunday Dinner

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"Bella let's go we are going to be late for dinner!" Justin shouted from downstairs. I curled my hair in the bathroom and sprayed hairspray.

"Babe I'm coming! I'm almost ready," I yell back to him. He and Elisa sat on the couch waiting for me. A good ten minutes later and I headed down the stairs to see Justin waiting impatiently on the couch. I smiled walking over to him. I bent down and kissed his lips.

"Don't be mad at me baby," I fake pout and kiss his lips again.

"You know how I feel about being on time, this is the first family dinner with the Lents and we're gonna be late," he sighed. I kissed him for the last time.

"A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early," I laugh as I began my walk to the garage.

"Since we're late you're driving," He tossed me the keys. I tossed them back.

"You know I hate driving," I pout.

"Should've thought about that before deciding to get dressed late," he shrugged. I looked at him confused.

"If my memory serves me correct, it's your fault why I got dressed late because you were hungry," I smirked.

"Well if you were hungry daddy, we could've baked some cookies,' Elisa said.

"He had some of mommy's cookies baby," I said and went to the driver's seat. Justin buckled Elisa and we were on our way to my family's home. We missed church this morning because Justin's flight was late coming in this morning. A good 20 minutes passed by and we were pulling into the gates. 

"You guys ready?" I ask my family.

"Yes," Justin said hopping out of the truck. I waited for him so we could walk in together. I wanted us to match so I wore a pink sweater shirt blue jeans and pink heels. Justin wore a pink shirt as well as light wash blue jeans with white slip on vans. Elisabeth wore a pink shirt with a white flower on it with blue jeans and pink vans. I held Justin's hand as we made our way to the front door.

"The Bieber's are here!" I yell walking through the door.

" Llega tarde Bella," (you're late Bella) Rose yelled from the kitchen. 

"Lamento culpar a Justin," ( I'm sorry blame Justin) I said coming into the kitchen and kissing her cheek. She smiled as soon as she saw Justin and Elisa come in. 

"I don't know what you said but I just know that you will not blame me for your tardiness," he kissed Rose. 

"Brother in law!" Tori came wobbling in and kissing his cheek then Elisa. I rubbed her belly. 

"How come you're smaller than me and You're further along than I am?" 

"Because you have two babies in their girl," she smiled rubbing my belly too. 

"I can't believe both of my baby girls are having babies," my father came in the kitchen and sat down. 

"Hey pops," Justin shook his hands. 

"Hey son, you taking good care of my girls?" 

"Yes sir," 

"Good! Pop-pop doesn't get any love?" My dad looked at Elisa. 

"I'm sorry Abuelo," she came over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Your company is in the family room," my father informed. Justin and I made our way to the living room to greet the Lents and the Smiths. I gave both Judah and Carls wives a hug and kiss. I did the same for both Judah and Carl. My family came into the room and I introduced everyone. 

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