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I was currently making breakfast for my daughter and my husband. They were both still asleep. I had work today but it wasn't until later so I figured I would cook. Jay was the first one out of bed. He came into the kitchen yawning before taking a seat at the island.

"Good morning Jay," I greet him.

"Good morning bestie," he smiled.

"Why so sleepy?"

"Ming had me up all night last night!" He sighed dramatically.

"If you were straight that would be a really good dirty joke," I laugh putting the bacon in the pan.

"Shut up! Any ways she's complaining she needs her own space because aunt Kim is driving her crazy!"

"I been told Ming to get a small apartment but she was like why would I do that when I could live at home for free," I mocked her.

"Yea well she might just be fed up enough to get her own place," he said. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out eggs. Sitting them on the counter I grab a bowl from the cabinet to mix them in. My phone rang, James looked at the caller ID and scrunched up his face.

"Who is it?" 

"Hailey Baldwin?"

"Oh I'll feel you in after this conversation, answer it," Jay did as told and accepted the call. He put it on speaker.

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hey Bella it's Hailey,"

"Hey girl,"

"So I hear you're in New York,"

"Yes ma'am,"

"If you're free I wanted to hang out since we're friends now. Let's grab some lunch or something," James looked up at me and smirked. He mouthed the word friend.

"Yea cool what time should I meet you?"

"You can come to my apartment at 2. I should be ready by then," she says.

"Okay can't wait!" I say hanging up the phone.

"When did this happen?" Jay asked.

"Kendall invited her to the Maldives trip and we talked and I agreed to be her friend if she stayed away from my man," I tell him flipping over the bacon.

"Mmmh well don't forget you have a shoot at 6," He informed and I nodded. I heard the bedroom door shut and I looked up to see Justin walking out of the bedroom. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Good morning baby," he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I turned around in his arms and kissed his perfect soft lips. I smiled looking up at him.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Better than I have since you've been gone," he smiled and kissed my neck. I shy-fully put my head against his chest.

"Y'all are disgusting," Jay commented. I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. I turned my attention back to my husband.

"I love you baby," I tell him.

"Not as much as I love you though,"

"I think I love you more than you love me," I smile. Justin faked a shock expression.

"There is no way in possible you love me more than I love you. I love you so much it's bigger than your ass," he smacked it. I laughed and finish making breakfast.

"What are you doing today?" Justin asked.

"Lunch with Hailey and then a shoot at 6," I could tell by the look on Justin's face my friendship with Hailey was a little uncomfortable for him.

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