7 days until the wedding

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I fly to Canada to go and find Justin. We may fight and argue but he is the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life. I run up to his grandparents door and knock on the door.

"Bella honey what are you doing here? Where is your coat honey?" Ms. Diane opens the door for me. I shiver as I make my way into the kitchen. "I was making your grandfather a tuna sandwich. Would you like one?" She asks me. I shake my head no. "I'm okay. Do you know where Justin is?" I ask her.

"He was here a little earlier with Ryan and Chaz. I think they are going to play hockey," she tells me. "You think he'll talk to me?" I ask her.

"You guys have a wedding in 7 days. Let's hope," she laughs. I laugh a little with her. "I'll be honest with you honey. No one knows more than I do how hard marriage is. What you and my grandson have is special. While he was here he was telling me how much he missed you. He just wants to feel important in your relationship," she enlightens me.

"I want him to feel important," I tell her. "Pattie told me what happened. I don't blame you to be honest and I also talked to Justin about the way he spoke to you and his mother," she shakes her head.

"Can I ask you something?" I look at her. "Yea of course," she nods toasting the bread. "Justin never talks about his dad. What is he like?" I ask her.

"Justin and his father never got along. Justin cut him off years ago and they never really spoke to each other since then," she sighs.

"That sucks, they should speak again," I frown. "If I were you I'd leave it alone. Justin is very sensitive with that subject," she warns and I nod. "I can't believe we are fighting again. We were doing so good," I whine.

"Listen there are many more fights to come your way. But word of advise, don't leave when things get hard. I get you need your space and that's healthy but maybe a different room, not country," she jokes and I laugh.

"I just got this weird feeling that I can't even explain and it was scary because it was him who gave me the feeling. I love Justin more than life itself and then you should've seen him. He made me feel like a gold digger he called the money his money and I didn't feel like I had a partner. Like does he really view everything as his?" I shrug.

"He didn't know what to expect. That was a lot of money and you didn't tell him about it. When he got the email it sent him into a shock. This same feeling he made you feel is what he was feeling," she sits hot cocoa in front of me.

"Thank you grandma," I smile. "Of course princess," she gives me a warm smile. "I should probably take this to go so I can go fix things with my husband," I laugh nervously. "Let me know if you can't find him," she kisses my forehead and I head out to the car.

I drive to the skating rink and park the car. I go inside.  I go up to the counter and the girl smiles at me. "What size skates?" she asks. "Size 8 please," I tell her and she hands me a pair of skates.

"Thanks," I look at the shoes confused. "You need help putting them on?" She chucked and I nod. "Come on," she says guiding me to the bench so I could sit down. "You're Justin Bieber's wife right?" She asks. "Yeah, that's me," I laugh.

"You do know you're living every girls dream," she laughs. "I know I get bullied about it all of the time," I joke. "Alright you're all done," she smiles. "I really appreciate your help," I tell her. "You're actually really nice," she says to me. "Aww thanks," I try to stand.

"Be careful," she calls after me. I carefully march to the rink. I saw Justin skating around with his friends laughing. He looked so happy and adorable. I open the door and it's creaks. All three boys look at me as I try to make my way onto the ice. 

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