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I read the text message on my phone and sigh heavily. "What's wrong?" Michael asks as we watch the children play in the backyard. "Hailey is saying that if we don't talk soon, she is going to go to the press about our fake marriage," I hand him my phone so he could read the message. "That's fucked up," he said handing me back my phone. "What are you going to do?" he asks.

"Bro honestly I don't even know. I can't see her when I can barely move without being in pain." He chuckled to himself and I joined in. "Mr. Taylor is really strong as fuck," I tell him. "I can tell, he really kicked your ass," he smirked. "Wait! how did Hailey know about the marriage being fake?"

"I told her," I sigh again. "What the fuck were you thinking?" he looks over at me. "I didn't want to be in the marriage anymore. It was just a job at that point," I explain. "All your past decisions seem to be coming at you all at one time," he laughed. "I wish I could laugh but now I'm going to have to tell Bella that she knows," I tell him.

"Daddy do you need more ice?" Elisa comes running over to me. "No baby girl, are you okay?" I ask her. "Yes, we are ready to go back inside it's hot," she says. "I'll get the babies," Mike says as Elisa and I go back into the house.


"You really did a good job with this garden," Jay compliments me as we walk through the Rose bushes. "It's so therapeutic taking care of them," I smile as he and Ming keep me company before I go crazy dealing with my personal life. "What are you going to do with your dad?" Ming asks. "My mom said she was going to handle it," I explain. "He really kicked Justin's ass. I'm never playing with that man," Jay holds his chest.

"I know right," Ming says. We make our way back up to the house. "You and Mike good?" I ask her referring to the other night. "Yeah, we agreed to disagree," she shrugs. Soon we reach the house and I open the door to see the twins and Elisa on the floor. Justin was icing his eye talking to Mike. "Hey," I smile walking over to them. I place a kiss on Justin's forehead and stand in front of him. "You feeling any better?" I ask him. "A little," he sighs looking up at me. Mike pulled Ming into him rubbing her back. It was so cute to see her in a good relationship at the same time as me.

"I have to tell you something," Justin says. I could feel my anxiety coming on. "Okay," I calm myself. "Hailey wants to talk to me. She said if we don't talk that then she would go to the media about our marriage," he finishes. "You told her about the contract, I'm guessing," I sigh. If it wasn't one thing it was another. "Yeah," he said lowly.

"Go talk to her," I tell him. He looks up at me confused. "Really?" he asks. "I would rather you talk to her than any more of our business be public knowledge," I tell him honestly. "I also trust that you won't do anything stupid because if you do, I promise you will live in this big ass house alone," I tell him seriously.

"I want you to come with me," he tells me. "I'd rather not," I say remembering the last time we were all in the same room together. "I'd probably smack her," I pat his shoulder. "I'll go with you," Mike said. I raise an eyebrow. "So now ya'll besties too?" I laugh. "He needs some support and since you can't put your feelings aside then I'll go with him. Then you know nothing will happen," he said. "Thanks, man," Justin says.

"So when is the meet and greet?" I joke. "I don't know I haven't responded to her message," Justin tells me. "Okay well I'm going to go and take a shower," I say. "You already took a shower," Ming says confused. "Well I am taking another one," I shrug walking out of the room.


"What was that?" Ming scrunched up her face looking at Bella who walked up the stairs. "She's been like that a lot lately. One minute she loving and comforting then she gets cold and distant," I explain.

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