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Justin's grandmother arrives today and I couldn't be more excited to finally spend time with her. We hardly ever see his side of the family. I felt so bad about it because my family was so apart of the process of our lives and his wasn't.

I could hear one of the babies crying. "Don't worry I got it," Justin slides out of the bed and walks into the twins bedroom. I slide out the bed and pee. This was the first night that I had gotten any type of real sleep. Between the twins feeding schedule and them peeing and crying I was up at all times of the night. "Shhh daddy got you," I could hear Justin trying to calm down one of the babies.

I hurry to wash my face and brush my teeth so I could start my feeding. "Mom!" Elisa yells from downstairs. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom. "Elisa why are you screaming?" I yell from the top of the steps. "How are you yelling at her for screaming but you're screaming too?" Justin asks rocking Ella in his arms.

I roll my eyes and walk down to Elisa. "I need a ride to Abuela's house" she says putting on her shoes. "Now Elisa you know grandma pattie and Diane are coming in today," I sigh. "Mama I know and I promise to be back before they get here," she pleaded.

"Why are yu so eager to go over there?" I narrow my eyes at her. "Abuela is taking me to get another American Girl Doll," she does a little shimmy, making me smile for the first time in a while. "See if auntie Ming is home," I point to the guest house.

I could hear Eli crying so I run up the stairs and into the nursery. I pick him and rock him. I could smell his poop and I lay him down to change him. "Hey papa, you make a stinky?" I ask in a baby voice. His little cries got louder. "It's okay we are going to get you all freshened up," I snap his onsie back and pick him up. I hold him and kiss him as his cries begin to die down.

I take him downstairs and sit on the couch. I pop my boob out and begin feeding him. I tilt my head back and relax a little. Eli begins to whine and I look down to see that my nipple popped out of his mouth and was squirting milk in his face. I wipe his face and slip my nipple back into his mouth. Justin comes and sits across from me and just stares at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I give him a blank look. He shook his head and looked back down at Ella. Ming walked in breaking the akwardness. "I'm taking Elisa to your mom's do you want to ride with me?" she asks me. I could use some fresh air, so I nodded. "I'll keep them," Justin said.

"You sure?" I ask him and he nods. Ming, Elisa and I headed out I look out of the window and take in the scenery. "How are you feeling?" Ming holds my hands. "Trying to figure out where I went wrong," I sigh. "Bella, you didn't go wrong anywhere, he's a dick," Ming said rolling her eyes.

"I am so embarrased," I let tears roll down my face. "I know baby, I hate that you're hurting," she squeezes my hands. I wipe my face and stare out the window, "You know Bells you're an amazing person and he's a shit head for hiding this shit from you. Fuck him honestly though. He doesn't deserve a woman like you and you should show him just how much he don't deserve you," Ming said getting mad

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," I said sniffling and getting myself together before going into my parents house. Not letting anyone in on the situation but Ming and Jay was really taking a toll on me. I wanted so badly just to go into my abuelas arms and tell them everything. I wanted to be out of the situation and away from Justin Drew Bieber.


"Bella oh how great it is to see you," Diane Justin's grandmother gives me a huge hug, as her and Pattie entered the house. "So glad that you got here safetly," I give her a small smile. Justin takes her bags upstairs to her room while we go sit in the living room. "So how is everything going?" Pattie asks smiling her warm smile at me. "It's been really rough. Last night was the first night that I actually slept throughout the night," I sigh.

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