First day of school

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Beep! Beep! Beep! my phone alarm goes off telling me that it was time to get up and get Elisa ready for the first day of Kindergarten. It was currently 6:30 am and I knew Elisa was not going to be happy about waking up. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. Justin was still fast asleep in our bed. I slipped on my robe and turned out the bathroom light. Making my way down the hall I saw a light shining underneath Elisa's bedroom door. I open the door to see Elisa making her bed. 

"Good morning big girl," I admire my 6-year-old. I was completely shocked that she was up. 

"Good morning mommy!" she said placing her favorite stuffed animal front and center of her bed. While she finished getting her room together I went inside of her bathroom and ran her some bathwater. Once the tub was filled to an appropriate level I called for her to get in the water. I began to run the warm water over her soft skin. "Where is daddy?" she asked me. "Daddy is still sleeping, he is driving to school with us," I tell her and she smiled. "Can I wear my Jojo Siwa bow in my hair today? North is wearing hers and we want to match," Elisa tells me. "Of course, when you get out you pick which one you want to wear," When her bath was over I went into her closet and got out her uniform. I laid it out on the bed and Elisa went to pick out her bow. Justin came into the room yawning. I kiss him good morning and smiled. 

"I'll get her dressed, you go make breakfast," he slapped my ass as I made my way out of her room to get started on breakfast. I headed down to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I was making strawberry banana pancakes, bacon, and eggs for the house. The pancakes were Elisa's favorite. I put the bacon into the pan and listen to the satisfying sound of the bacon sizzling. "Mommy, I am ready!" Elisa said from the top of the steps. I grabbed my phone and watched as Elisa slowly made her way down the steps. I snapped pictures of her as she posed on each step. Even though she wasn't biologically mine, she acted just like me when I was her age. Justin came down behind her. I took a couple of pictures of the two of them. "Babe you did really good on her bun," I compliment my husband. "With the help of Elisa and YouTube," he smiled. I sent photos and videos to our family. I went back to the kitchen and finished up breakfast. School started at 8:15, it was currently 7:00 we had tons of time to eat and get to school. 

"Breakfast is ready!" I call out. Justin and Elisa sat down at the island as I passed them their plates. "Strawberry banana pancakes yummy!" Elisa lit up when she saw the pancakes. I smiled knowing that she was happy. Justin and I locked eyes for a moment and he winked making me blush. After breakfast, I went upstairs to get dressed. When we dropped Elisa off at school Justin and I had a meeting about our next appearance with our teams. 

"You guys ready?" I asked from the top of the steps. They both said yes and I walked down the steps and into the garage. We all hopped in the Range Rover and made our way to Elisa's first day. 15 minutes later and we were pulling into the gate of the school. Justin parked and we all got out. "Do you have everything?" I asked her. "Yes, I have my bookbag, lunch box, and supplies are in my bookbag," she smiled. I kissed her and held her hand as we walked inside the building.

"Elisa!" I hear a little girl's voice. We all looked over to see Kim, North, Kourtney, and Penelope. 

"North!" Elisa ran away from us to hug her friend. I was extremely glad that she wouldn't be here alone. Justin and I hug Kourtney and Kim while our girls talked. "Elisa was so excited to wear her Jojo Siwa bow," I tell Kim. "Omg same Northie is like me and Elisa are suppose to match mommy!" she made her voice high to mimic her daughter. "I'm just glad that our girls will be here together!" Kourt smiled. "Me too! I know she'll have a good time with her best friends and we can do carpool whenever," I smile. We walked the girls to their classroom and I could feel myself becoming emotional. Elisa was now in school and I was happy and sad. 

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