Damage Control

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"We all know why we are here," Scooter begins the dreadful meeting. "Stella and I both decided that the best way to go about the situation is to not publicly address the situation at all," he says. Both Justin and I look at each other confused. "We think it's what's best because it will bring more attention to you guys because when you go on interviews people will watch expecting to hear some inside scoop. You will get more followers and then it will be in time for the next album," Stella says.

"What if we are asked about it?" I ask both of them. "Honestly it's up to you to decide what you are going to say. I trust that you will say the right thing," Stella smiles. "Well just in case I had PR write up something if you don't know what to say. It was sent to your emails so you can look at it when you get a chance," he says.

"I think it's more important now to be seen. Go out in public on dates, just to show that you two are still together and to shut down any rumors about divorce being on the table," Stella says pushing her glasses on the top of her head.

"On another note, we have pleather of opportunities coming up. A lot of brands want to collab with the two of you. We have a cover photoshoot coming up for GQ and there will be an interview as well. You will have to talk about the cheating scandal but don't worry we will have the questions for you guys will be prepared," Scooter says.

"I thought you said we didn't address it at all?" I ask him. "I mean like on social media and unprovoked," he explained and I nodded my head. "Despite how it may seem, I want what's best for the both of you. You make Justin the happiest I've seen him and I need you to stay together not just for the sake of an image but for the sake of his mental health as well," he says and I smile a little.

"I appreciate you saying that," I say. "Before I forget we have a family photoshoot as well coming up for the cover of Vanity Fair," Stella says. As the meeting went on we made sure to merge calendars and get everything in order.

Once we arrived home Ming and Mike we playing with the children in the living room. Every since our scandal they have been a major help. Pattie went back home for a little while but she was coming back in a few weeks. "Thank you for watching them." I thanked them. "No problem bestie. How was operation damage control?" she laughed. "It actually wasn't that bad," I shrug sitting down on the couch with her.

"How were the kids?" Justin asks picking up Ella and kissing her. "They were a little fussy but after they took a nap they weren't too bad," Ming puts her hair up into a bun. "How about we all go to dinner together," I suggest.

"That sounds perfect! I have this dress that I've been dying to wear," Ming springs up from the couch. "Where are you thinking?" Mike asks laying Eli on his chest. Eli plays with his chin hairs as Mike rubs circles in his back. Eli loved to lay on Michael, it was like they were besties. "Maybe Nobu," I shrug.

"We taking the kids with us?" Mike asks. "I don't see why not," I shrug. "I'm going to go and get dressed," Ming said walking over to the back door. Justin and I take the children up to get dressed. "We should all match," Elisa said walking into her closet. "What color?" I ask her.

"I'm thinking blue," she says picking out her blue sundress. "Sounds perfect to me," I smile. "You don't have to get me dressed I can do it myself. I'll just need help with my hair," Elisa says going into her bathroom and turning on the shower. Why is she such a big girl?

I walk out of her room and go into our bedroom where Justin had the twins laying in the center of the bed surrounded by pillows. I walk into the closet and find him sorting through his clothes. "Elisa wants us to where blue like her," I inform him. "We're gonna look like a bunch of blueberries," he jokes picking out a blue button-up shirt.

"A button-up?" I question smirking. "Feeling like getting all dressed up," he smiles. "Okay," I smile going over to my side of the closet. I choose an oversized button-up shirt with a black belt. "I'm going to bathe the twins now," I told him carrying my outfit out the closet. "I'm gonna help you," he said smacking my ass. "Babe stop," I laugh.

I go into our bathroom and fill up the baby tub. I test the temp and we both bring in the babies. Eli kept splashing Justin. I laughed as Ella allowed me to wash her without a struggle. "You're getting me, soaked kid," Justin smiles at him. Eli splashed again smiling. "You're a trouble maker just like your daddy," I laughed taking Ella out and drying her off. I lay her on the bed and lotion her up.

She chewed her fingers as I put a pamper on her. Justin shortly comes back in and lays Eli next to Ella. I go and get their outfits from their room and bring it back inside. After we got the children dressed we had Elisa come and watch the babies on the bed while we got dressed. After about an hour of getting ourselves together, we all met in the living room.

Justin had a car service come and pick all of us up. "You girls look great," Justin compliment both Ming and me. "Thank you, baby," I smile. "Thanks, Jus," Ming pinches his cheeks. "You guys ready to go?" Mike asks and we nod. Justin and Michael carry the twins into the Cadilac and I carry the diaper bag.

Once we were all settled I rest my head on Justin's shoulder. Of course, there was pap when we arrived at the restaurant. Justin got out first helping me down. Ming got out next and Elisa. Michael came out passing me Eli and Justin carried Ella in his arms. Pap went nuts once we were out of the car. I covered Ella's face so that the lights wouldn't hurt her eyes. Once we made it inside we were seated immediately. 

It felt as if everyone in the restaurant were staring at us. "Is it just me or is everyone staring?" I ask fidgeting in my seat. "You alright?" Justin asks bringing me closer to him and rubbing my arms. I felt my palms getting sweaty. I rub them off on my dress. "Yeah, I think so," I give him a small smile. 

"Everyone is staring," Ming said. I look around the room and felt like I was constantly making eye contact with everyone in the room. Justin places a gentle kiss on the back of my hands. "Just breathe," he whispers in my ear. I nod and take slow and deep breaths. Our waiter came over and took our orders. 

My phone dinged and I pick it up off of the table and see an email from Stella with Justin and Scooter CC into it. They were sending us on a getaway to Greece tomorrow and they hired pap to snap photos of us while we're there.

"Did you see the email?" I nudge him showing him. "No," he responds taking my phone. "Well, it looks like we are going to Greece," I smile. "I want to come," Ming says. "I don't see why not," I shrug. 

"Michael, you coming?" Justin asks him. "Do I really have a choice," he laughs. Our food is brought out to us and we eat and socialize together. Ella began to get fussy so I sit her in my lap as I eat. "My sweet girl," Justin kisses her all over her face. She giggles and slobbers down her hand. "Guys lean in," Ming said capturing a picture of us so that we could later post it. It felt like we had our own little family. 

We leave out of Nobu and the Pap were swarming outside of there. I sigh to myself because it was going to be hard to move with the twins and Elisa through this crazy crowd. "Bella is the twins Justin's kids?" I hear one pap ask. I stop dead in my tracks. I was no hoe and they were not going to make me into one. "Baby, they want a reaction just keep it pushing," Justin said. "How come your mom didn't swallow you?" I respond back and Justin gives me a look. 

"That was a good one," Ming high-fived me. "Don't start," Michael warned her. "Can yall behave for one night?" Justin sighs opening the door to the car. "Babe he started it," I pout. "Don't pout, I told you to keep it pushing," he sighs. "Baby, I'm sorry," I tell him. "I'd just wish you would think more before you do things," he looks at me.

"I know baby, I'm going to work on it," I pucker my lips up for a kiss. He cracked a smile and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "I love you," I tell him. "I love you more sweetheart," he puts our foreheads together. 

Once everyone was asleep Justin and I went out to the backyard. He grabbed my hands and we slow danced to no music. "Justin, there's no music playing," I giggle. "We don't need any music," he replies. "Okay," I listened to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry about getting on you earlier tonight. I just don't want any more drama circulating around us," he rubs my back. 

"I know baby," I say softly. "Can I join?" Elisa asks from the door. "Come on," I smile. Justin picks her up and the three of us slow dance to no music. 

A/n Sorry for the late update. I hope you guys are enjoying the calm before the storm. 

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