Career Focus

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"You have a get ready with me for Vogue in the morning," Stella says as she goes through the list of things that I had lined up for the week. Ming decided to stick by my side while I am away, due to my heartbreak. It felt good to have her around to lift me up. "Okay, what time?" I asked laying my head in Ming's lap as she played with my hair. "They will be here at 9:00 am sharp. You need to be showered before they get here. Your robe is on the hook in the bathroom," she informs me. I was currently staying in a hotel due to the fact that while I was in California someone broke into my apartment. Good thing no one was hurt and nothing valuable was stolen. 

"Have you talked to Justin?" Stella asked. I rolled my eyes at the mention of his name. "No I have not, and I don't plan on talking to him unless there is something wrong with Elisa," I said. Stella knew that it was a touchy spot for me right now and didn't want to set me off, so she nodded. My phone started ringing and it was Elisa calling me from her Ipad. "Hi, mommies baby!" I greet my beautiful 6 years old. "Hey mommy, I miss you so much," she tells me making me smile. "I miss you more baby," I pouted. "Look mommy my tooth is loose," she reached into her mouth and wiggled her tooth. I put my hand over my mouth and act shocked. "You're officially a really big girl. When it falls out the tooth fairy is going to come and get it. Remember to put it under your pillow," I tell her. "Okay mommy where is auntie Ming?" she asked. Ming popped her head in the camera and smiled. "God mommy!" she smiled. "Look at my gorgeous goddaughter," Ming said to her. "When can I see you guys?" she asked. "I'm not sure baby, mommy has to do a lot of traveling these next couple of days. When I get settled I'll have Abuela bring you to see me. But how is school so far?" I asked. 

"Well, it's going okay. I mean like there's this one kid in my class named Dillon and he always makes fun of me. He asked me how come you were black and daddy was white and I don't look like you guys. So I told him that you guys are adopting me and he said it's because my real parents did not want me," she said. That made me want to fight the little boy. "Oh yeah, tell him that we are your real parents and we do want you. Where is your father?" I asked. 

"He just walked out of the booth," she set the phone down. "Mommy wants to talk to you," I hear her tell him. Justin walked over to the phone and picks it up. "Hey," he says. I got right to the point there was no pretending to act like he was my favorite person. "Elisa told me that some kid at school is giving her a problem. Handle it or I will," I tell him with a serious expression. "I will handle it. How are you? You haven't been answering my messages lately," he says. "There is no need for us to communicate unless it's about Elisa Justin," "Bella don't be like that," he sighed. "Be like what? You said I didn't make you happy and that we needed time apart. I'm giving you just what you asked for," I said shrugging. "We can't at least be friends?" he asked clearly hurt. 

"Honestly I don't think a friendship would work because I still love you the same way," I admit. "Who said I stopped loving you the same way?" he asked. "I don't have time for your indecisiveness right now. I have to get up early tell Elisa I will call her tomorrow night after dance class," I tell him. He sighed and nodded before hanging up. 

Ming kissed my cheek I smile over to her. "You're so strong," she tells me. I just lay my head back down on her lap. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "I miss him, I love him. I don't understand where things went wrong. We literally got into one argument he leaves and comes back saying he needs space," I played with the thread on the blanket. "You think he cheated while he was gone?" she asked. "He said he didn't but I don't know what to believe," I sighed. 

"I'm your best friend and I want what's best for you. Justin makes you happy and you make Justin happy. I could tell by the look on his face that he misses you. He texts you every single day and you ignore him because you are still hurt. I get it, you put your all into him and he just decided he didn't want it anymore. Do you think that you guys can reconcile things?" she asked. 

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