Maldives Pt 2 18

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It was about 9:30 at night and I'm in this big house alone for the second night. I missed my wife so much and it was killing me. I don't want to call her because I need to give her space and time to herself.  My phone instantly rings. I reached over and checked the caller ID. Wifey popped up on the screen. My mood instantly changed as I answered the phone.
"Baby I miss you," she whined into the phone.
"Come home," I told her.
"I can't just leave Justin. I'm with my girls,"
"I know, I know," I sigh.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course anything!"
"Even though we've hit a little rough patch you make me feel like I'm loved by somebody. I can deal with the bad nights when I'm with you," she smiled. Seeing that smile made my heart warm. I love her with everything in me and it's incredible how fast I fell for her.
"Bella I love you so much baby girl. No one else in this world matters more than you," I tell her. I meant every word.
"I love you more daddy," she winked.
"Don't do that,"
"Be seductive through the phone. I will fly out to the Maldives and fuck you," I tell her in all seriousness.
"I want you so bad," she tells me.
"All you have to do is say the words and I'll be right there baby,"
"I want you to come take me home baby," she tells me.
"That's all you had to say. I'll be there to bring you back home even if it's to New York,"
"Don't take too long we can't wait," She bit her lip. This girl was driving me insane and at this very moment I couldn't get to her but as soon as I did she was all mine. I was going to devour her.
"Yes Bella!"
"Let's just stay out here, even when the girls leave let's stay,"
"Whatever you want baby,"
"See you when you get here,"
"Bye!" I closed my phone. I scheduled my flight and packed my bags. I couldn't have been more excited.

I searched for Bella at the doc. There were people standing all around me waiting. My bodyguard Mike stood behind me.
"Justin!" People called my name. They came up asking for pictures. I took a few pictures and also gave a few hugs.
"Where is she?" I asked looking at my phone.
"I don't know man, you know she's always late," Mike laughed. I chuckled thinking about my wife and her trouble with being on time unless we were together. I was beginning to get hot. I took my shirt off and wrapped it around my neck.
"Justin!" I heard my name being called but I didn't see anyone. I looked around confused until Mikey turned tapped me and pointed over to the direction of Bella. Before I knew it I was running up to her and she was running up to me. Bella jumped into my arms and I caught her.
"Justin!" She exclaimed.
"Hey baby," I kissed her spinning her around.
"I missed you so much!" She hugged me again.
"Come on," Mikey directed us to a little boat that led us to the villa.
"The girls are little upset you're here but I personally don't care because I missed you," she wrapped her arms around my neck. I held her waist.
"Yea but they leave tomorrow and I'll stay clear and let you guys do whatever until then. After that you're all mine," I tell her.
"I think I like the sound of that!"
"Me too,"
10 minutes later we pulled up the villa and Bella walked us to her cottage. We walked in and Justine and Ming were sitting on the couch in bikinis.
"Hey ladies," I greeted. They both looked up at me and smiled.
"Brother in law," Justine greeted.
"Wassup Justin," Ming greeted as well.
"What's the plan for the day," I ask sitting next to them.
"You're not invited," Justine laughed.
"Oh so it's like that?"
"Yup!" Ming said popping the p.
"That's fine me and Mikey can find something to do today. We don't need y'all girls," I laughed. Bella came out of her room and sat in my lap and tucked her head in my neck. I cuddled into her and kissed her forehead.
She placed tiny kisses on my neck as she whispered in my ear.
"I love you," she told me.
"Love you more baby," The front door opened and in walked Bella Hadid, Hailey, and Kendall. Hailey and I made eye contact and looked away.
"Justin when did you get here?" Kendall asked.
"A moment ago," I responded rubbing Bella's back.
"That's great and all but we have one last day with our friend so we will be taking her with us," Bella laughed pulling my wife from my arms.
"Damn you could've given me at least 5 more minutes with my man,"
"You'll have all of the time in the world when we leave," Ming said dragging her to the back. Hailey kept looking at me but she stayed quiet.
"Hails why so quiet?" Bella asked.
"Nothing," she laughed nervously. I looked at her only for us to make eye contact again. I knew she still had feelings for me but I don't want to loose Bella so I will keep my mouth shut.
"We're ready!" Ming came back with Bella who wore a sports bra and biker shorts.
"Where you guys headed?" I asked.
"Zip lining!" Bella kissed my cheek and everyone began walking to the door.
"Don't wait up for me I'll see you in the morning!" She told me before leaving out. I looked over to Mikey. "I guess it's just us then," I sighed.

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