A normal day

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I woke up to an empty bed. I rolled over to Justin's side of the bed, it smelled just like him. I sat up, stretched and yawned. I got up and walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I took my phone off of the charger, scrolled through instagram liking a couple of pictures. I decided to post a morning selfie on my story. Just as I was about to close my phone I received an incoming FaceTime call from Ming
"Hey baby!" I answered excitedly. I missed her so much. "Hey bells." She answered just as excited.
"When will I get to see you again? I'm having best friend separation anxiety." I fake pouted.
"I'll be home soon bestie. Hopefully in like two days. Mom and I are finishing up the photoshoot for the clothing line."
"I'm so proud of you my Mingy."
"You're so corny." She laughed.  I flushed the toilet and sat the phone against the mirror so I could brush my teeth and wash my face.
"Okay so how is the married life so far and how was dinner?" 
"Dinner actually went pretty well. Everyone one seemed to love him. Thank God. Even Rose was being nice. So far he's been really good to me but it's only been a couple of days." I shrugged drying off my face.
"That's good to hear that grandma Rose is on her best behavior."
"Yeah we are actually suppose to be going over there for breakfast. When I woke up Justin was gone, so I'm not sure if those are still the plan."
"I miss grandmas cooking. I need to come home soon." She whined. I laughed walking out of the bathroom and sitting on the bed.
"Alright babe I need to go find the hubby and get ready. I love you." I blew her a kiss.
" I love you more hoe." She air kissed me. I hung up and threw my phone on the bed and walked into the hallway. The house was pretty quite this morning. "Justin!" I yelled. There was no answer. I went down the stairs into the living room. Justin wasn't in there. I decided to sit on the couch and catch up on grownish. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed yogurt and fruit with some orange juice and sat on the couch again. I laughed as Zoe dropped her phone on Luca. "Garage door." The alarm system spoke. My beautiful husband walked into the door sitting bags on the kitchen counter. I really wanted to jump off of the couch and jump on him but I decided against it. I wanted to see how he would greet me. I continued to watch my show. Two hands covered my eyes, I instantly smiled. He took his hands away and I turned around facing him. He smiled and I poked my lips out for a kiss. I was granted my kiss, I took that as my opportunity to wrap my arms and legs around him. He picked me up and spun me around.
"Somebody missed me."He smiled.
"Yeah." I blushed.
"I went out to get some stuff from the store and I didn't want to wake you up." He walked us over to the counter. He placed me on the counter next to the bags.
"What did you get?" I asked smiling. The first bag was handed to me. "Open it" He said.  I did as told and pulled out a key.
"It's a key to the house." He laughed. I took out another bag. This bag had flowers in it.
"I was talking to your dad this morning and he said that roses were your favorite flowers. I smiled and slowly kissed him. " I am such a lucky girl." I smiled.
"I'm not done spoiling you yet." Justin handed me another small box. I raised an eyebrow, carefully opening it. A beautiful diamond ring laid in the blue box. I immediately covered my mouth. He got down on one knee.
"Isbella, I know things seem to be moving very fast between us. You literally married me under an arrangement. You didn't know much about me, but you show me that you're willing to do whatever it takes to be the wife that I need. I promise to be the partner that you need. Not that we have an option at the moment but I would like to spend my life with you. I want you to really be Mrs.Bieber not just legally, or because someone made you. I want it to be because you want my last name. Let this ring symbolize our new commitment to each other. Bella would you do me the honor of marrying me the right way?" He smiled at me. I don't know why but I got emotional and a couple of tears slipped.
"Yes Justin I will be Mrs.Bieber!" He stood up and slid the ring on my finger.
"Let's go show the family." He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"I don't feel like breakfast today. Let's do something on our own. I don't feel like sharing you."
"Okay beautiful is there anything you had in mind?"
"Nah not really, let's go out somewhere and eat and shop or something."
"Go get in the shower and get dressed while I'll let your father know we won't be at breakfast."

We were currently on our way to IHOP because that's what I had a taste for. Paparazzi swarmed outside of the restaurant as we sat and ate.
"This food is so good babe you should try it." I said cutting a piece of my strawberry banana pancake and feeding him. A little syrup dripped from the side of his mouth. I immediately pick up my napkin and wiped his mouth.
"Thank you baby girl." He said while chewing.
"No problem just doing my wifely duties. Do you have a specific interior designer that you want for the house?" I asked him.
"Not really, like I said before whatever you want to do to the house you are more than welcomed to do. It's our place now and I want for you to be comfortable."
"Okay well Ming and I love to decorate so that will keep us busy."

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