The Appointment

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"And one more shot ladies!" the photographer yelled as we shot the last photo of the day. This shoot was for Pretty Little Things. I was glad to have been finished with this, my feet were aching. I walked back into the dressing room and changed back into my regular clothes. 

"Justin is outside waiting for you," James informed me as we walked out of the building with security. Outside stood a crowd of people and paparazzi with flashing cameras. I covered my face so that the flashes wouldn't blind me. Justin's security escorted me to the van and I quickly got in and way from the harsh lights. 

"Hey baby girl," Justin greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and sat down next to him.

"Are you ready to go check on our future children?" he asked rubbing my thigh. 

"Yes, even though I do not look it, I am excited," 

"After we have to pick up Elisa from Carl's house and go to visit the school," he informs me. 

"I know Justin I did not forget," I laid my head against the window and stared out of it. 

"What's on your mind babe?" 

"Nothing I am tired that's all,"  he grabbed my hand and kissed it. We soon arrived at the private doctor's office. I put my hood on and so did Justin as we got out of the van. He held my hand and we checked in. 

"Isabella Bieber!" a lady called out. Justin and I both stood up and followed her into a room. 

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs.Bieber I am Samantha and I will be your nurse today. I just need to fill out a few forms for me and then we can get started," she smiled handing me a clipboard. I quickly signed some papers and answered questions on it as well. I handed it back to her and she smiled. 

"Alright, Isabella what brings you in today?" she asked. 

"I think I might be pregnant," 

"With twins," Justin says right after. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"He thinks I am having twins," 

"Okay we can definitely check for you today," she smiled reaching into a drawer and pulling out a cup. 

"If you don't mind, I just need you to pee in this cup. The bathroom is just down the hall to your left," 

"Do you need me to come with you?" Justin asked. I shook my head no and walked out. I headed down the hall and into the bathroom. Once I finished peeing I put the lid on the cup and walked back to the room. I handed the nurse the cup and sat back down next to Justin. 

"Okay let me go run it and I will be back," she stood up and walked out. I laid my head on my husband's shoulder and closed my eyes. 



"I love you,"

"I love you too Justin," 

"I hope there are twins inside of you," 


"Because then we can both have our own baby," 

"You're so silly, I carry them both anyway so,"

"I'm glad that it's you who's having my first child," he squeezed my hand. 

"Babe that's so sweet," I finally open my eyes and look at him. He was already looking at me and I smiled. I kissed his lips and the nurse walked back into our room with some papers. 

"Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Bieber it looks like you two are expecting a child, congratulations!" I smiled at Justin and he kissed my forehead. 

"The doctor will be shortly to do an ultrasound in a few. It was a pleasure meeting you both," the nurse excused herself. As she was walking out the Dr. walked in. 

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