We're Pregnant

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"Babe?" Bella rubs my chest as we lay out back in the hammock. It was currently 8:30 pm and we had just put Elisa to bed for the night. I have been trying to spend more time with Bella and make sure she knows that I love her.

"Yes beautiful," I kissed her hands.

"I want to tell the family about the baby in a cool way,"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of doing a video," she looked up at me.

"What kind of video?" She thought for a moment and went into detail about how the video would go. I liked her idea and immediately called up one of my friends Joey for help. The next morning we woke up super early to get started on making the video. Elisa was giving Bella a hard time because she was still very tired.

"Elisa stop crying, there is nothing wrong with you," I could hear Bella say as I approached the bedroom of Elisa. Elisa still whined as she sniffled and wiped her tears.

"Princess?" I call to her. She looked from her mother over to me.

"After we are done the video how about we go somewhere you like," I try to bargain with her.

"Disney Land?" she asked.

"Disney Land," I tell her and she instantly perked up.

"But only good listeners go to Disney Land. If you don't be a nice girl and listen to mommy then we won't take you," I tell her.

"Okay," she wiped her eyes one last time. Bella sighed and walked out of the room. Now it was time for me to cheer my wife up. There were people all around the house with lights and cameras. I stood at the door of Bella's beauty and wardrobe room that I had built for her and watched as her stylist laid out outfit options. She didn't look so into the moment. I think Elisa really frustrated her.

"Baby?" I grabbed her attention. She looked up at me and I smile at her making her smile back. " Today is supposed to be a happy day. We are announcing to the people we love that we are having two beautiful babies. I want you to be happy and look happy as well," I tell her looking into the mirror. Bella smiled again placed her head on my hands, she kissed them and nodded.

"I'm going to go get dressed and I'll be downstairs if you need me," I tell her before exiting the room. "Bieber, we need you dressed," one of the crew members directs me to one of the guest bedrooms they turned into a wardrobe room for me. I enter the room and shut the door behind me.


Today Justin, Elisa and I were making our pregnancy announcement video to show to our family and very close friends. Elisa gave me a hard time this morning. I was trying to be very patient with her due to the fact that it is early in the morning. It was very hard though because she wouldn't stop whining about everything. Super daddy came to the rescue and fixed the problem for me. I was very thankful that Justin was an active father in our daughter's life. Some women feel like they are doing a lot of things alone. That's not the case with my marriage.

"Alright Bella it's time to go downstairs," Jay said standing at the door waiting for me. The concept of the video was a short story about how Justin Elisa and I going on a road trip and we are packing up the car. Justin is trying to pack up the car and put in three car seats. One is a booster seat and the other two are infant car seats. Justin puts Elisa in fine but struggles to put the other two car seats inside. I come from the house and help him put the car seats in. After we are finished we drive away and on the back window of the G-Wagon there's writing on the window that reads "Waiting for the arrival of the twins".

"Okay and action!" Joey yelled. I watched as Justin walked out of the house and into the garage. First, he packs the car up and shuts the truck. Elisa then comes skipping out of the house holding her favorite stuffed animal. She has on a white sundress, her hair is in two buns with flowers on each one, and she's wearing white sunglasses. Justin moves her car seat over to the middle of the G-Wagon. Elisa is waiting for her father to finish putting her car seat in. Once Justin is finished she raised her arms up waiting for Justin to pick her up. I laughed at that part, it was too cute. Justin picks her up and buckles her in. He turned to the camera and winks. Next, it's time for him to put in the infant car seats. "Alright Bella on the count of 5 you walk in while Justin is struggling and help him," the director tells me. I do as told and help Justin. He opens my door and then goes to his door and gets in. We kissed and Justin started the car and we drove away. The camera pans out to read the back of the car and the video ends.

I turn to everyone in the house and they all had very big smiles on their faces. "My baby is having babies!" my mother wiped her eyes.

"There's two of them in there?" Auntie Trina looked at my belly. "This is the year of grandchildren. Kens having a baby and Bella is having twins," My father smiled. The men in my family dapped up Justin and congratulated us. All of our friends congratulated us and I felt happy.

"Please everyone we would like to keep this pregnancy on the down-low until further notice so please do not go around telling people," I yell politely.

"You're Secret is safe with us!" Kenny yelled and everyone laughed. I loved that we had such trusting people to share our moment with.

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