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Pattie has been staying with Justin and me for a few weeks now. I love having her around especially since we haven't found a nanny for Elisa yet. Today I would be going to meet with designers for my wedding dress. Justin made sure that I was staying on top of wedding planning. So far we decided to go with a Winter Wonderland themed wedding. The date is December 15th of next year. This gave me plenty of time to get everything together. I would not be pregnant by then either so I would be able to fit into my dress. 

"Baby," Justin called from the top of the steps. I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, my love?" 

"What time will you be finished your appointment with the dress?" he asked. "Honestly I have no clue but I shouldn't be home late," I tell him and he nodded. Pattie walked in the door with my mother by her side. My mom was helping me with the design of my dress since that was her specialty. "Bella your mother and I dropped Elisa off at school and your father will pick her up from school this afternoon and take her to dance," my mother kissed my cheek. Pattie kissed my other cheek. It was cool having two moms. 

"Where is Justin?" Pattie asked. "He's getting dressed upstairs. Today is the day that he decides the songs that will be on "Changes". He has a meeting with the label so he's a little nervous," Justin walked down the stairs in a beanie and a hoodie with sweats. He kissed both of our mothers. I grabbed him and hugged him. "Baby everything is going to be fine. I promise you. The songs are amazing and beliebers are going to love it. Remember it's all about the music," I look him in the eye.

"You're right and I love you. Please do not be late to your appointment for the dress," he kissed my cheek. "I will not be late Justin I promise," I smile at him. Since Milan, a few weeks back Justin and I have been keeping each other on task. He makes sure that the wedding process is in full effect and I keep him on track with his album. "Alright, Bella let's go!" Pattie said. She and my mother were the most excited about wedding planning. Pattie, my mother and I were now driving to the Alexander Wang building to get started on the design. 

"Bella!" Alex greeted me entering his studio. I hug and kiss him and he does the same to my mothers. "Okay, Bella I am so glad you are letting me do this dress for you. I couldn't wait until you got married so that we could make your fairytale dress come to life," He smiled.

"I know Alex we've always talked about this from the day we met," I laughed. "Okay so let's get started he pulled out a sketchbook. "Okay well I know we want something traditional but sexy," he said. Alex pulled out a few books filled with wedding dresses. We took a look through the books and marked a few dresses that we would use. "Alright so next week I will have these dresses here for you to try on so that we know what your body looks like in certain dresses," he said. 

"Alex I was thinking that her dress would have laced sleeves and be off the shoulder. Skinny at the top and the bells out at the bottoms like cinderella," my mother tells him. "Okay are we thinking of doing a train?" he asked. "The longer the train the better!" I tell him. "Marj when you say Cinderella were you thinking like a super big puffy dress or something medium-sized?" he asked. "I'm not sure let's get some big dresses in here as well," she says. 

"Mom you're quiet. Anything you feel like I should have?" I looked at Pattie. She put her finger up to her lip and flipped a couple of pages in the book. "You know I was thinking the veil should have some type of design on it," she says. "Like what?" Alex asked. "Maybe like some spiral designs like this," she pointed to a pattern on the dress. "Or maybe it should say something on the end like Til Death Do Us Part," she smiled. "I love that!" I tell her. "Yes Pattie that sounds good girl," my mother high fived her. After we finished with Alex the three of us went to lunch. 

"How are the babies?" my mother asked. I look down at my stomach and smiled. "They are good. I've been having weird cravings though like I like dipping pickles in strawberry yogurt," I admit. The two both scrunch up their faces. We order our food and continue our conversation. "Pattie, can I ask you something?" I asked her. "Of course sweetheart anything," she sipped on her soda. "Justin never talks about his father. We're getting married but I still haven't met him. Justin hasn't mentioned him and I don't want to touch a soft spot," She took a deep breath. 

FallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora