Legally Married

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"Bella please remember that you have a plane to catch right after the courthouse. You cannot be late." Stella went over with me in the car to the courthouse.

"I know I know, you told me and plus James will make sure that I am on the plane to Cali on time."

"Yes I will." James said from the back." We pulled up to the courthouse and my nerves kicked in. Was I really about to marry someone I didn't know? I opened the door and walked inside the building. Stella led me to courtroom number 6. I wanted nothing more than to turn around and go back home, but I already agreed to this marriage and now I would have to go through with it. Ming could tell that I was getting nervous and she grabbed my hand.

"You don't have to do this Bella, you do have a choice. If we're going to do this then let's walk inside of the room and marry Justin. If this isn't what you want then we'll walk right out of here and grab pizza. I'm down for whatever. I just want for you to be happy." I smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

"Let's do this. " I said. We both walked inside of the room. Justin sat down with scooter next to him. I walked over to them and Justin immediately smiled when he seen me. I couldn't help but smile back. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed my cheek. I turned his face and granted him a peck on his lips. It felt like the right thing to do. He held my face and looked me in my eyes.

"Thank you for doing this."

"I pray it's not a mistake."

"I promise it will not be a mistake." The ceremony began and Justin and I held hands as the judge began. I am about to be legally married to Justin Bieber. The whole process was a blur. The only thing I remember saying is "I do." I looked over at Justin and he winked. Before I know it, it was over. I am No longer Isabella Taylor. I am now Isabella Bieber.

"How are you feeling?" Justin asked

"I feel fine." I smiled

"Good, because now I get to kiss you how I really wanted to kiss you." He took my face and held it in his hands. Our lips connected and Justin licked my bottom lips asking for entrance. I granted him his wished and parted my lips and we shared the most passionate kiss.

"I'll see you at home tomorrow wife." he winked at me. I stood there in a daze. It took a little longer for me to come down from the cloud the kiss had me on.

" When you get home, there will be space for you're stuff. I already had  some of my stuff taken out of the closet so that you can fit your stuff in, and whatever doesn't fit we'll just have to make room for it."  He's honestly really sweet but all of this is a bit too much to fast. I looked away.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I took a deep breath and looked at him.
"This is all still kinda new to me. You know one day I'm my own person belonging to no one. The next day I'm your wife and now I belong to you. I just want to take things slow. I'm not ready to move in just yet. " I spoke truthfully. I could see the slight hurt in his eyes. He put on a fake smile.
"No of course I get it. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was rushing you or anything. Whenever you're ready my home will be open for you."
"Justin I'm sorry."  I say
"Don't worry about it. I just got excited that's all."
"I'll still come over. We can get to know each other more. I'll slowly begin to decorate and move in."  He smiled at the last part. I hugged him.
"I still have to tell my family about this so how about you come over to my place for dinner tomorrow night to meet them?"
"Okay I can do that." He smiled
"Okay well I have a plane to catch back home."
"Okay well have a good flight and be safe." He kisses my forehead. Again I grab his head and lead his lips to mine. I peck his lips over and over again and hug him.
"Never leave your wife with a forehead kiss." I winked.

The plane ride back home was occupied with me sleeping. As soon as the plane landed I sent my sister a message telling her that I was on my way to the house.  I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. My parents are happily married. I live with my siblings, parents, both of my grandparents, my aunt Trina and her 3 kids and my uncle Tim. I know a lot of people but it works for us.
"So Stella how in the world are we going to go about this?" I asked her as we stepped inside the Cadillac.
"Okay so I was thinking tomorrow night at dinner when Justin comes over for dinner we could share the news then."
"I don't think that's a good idea." James said
"What's wrong with that?" Stella questioned.
" What if they say something rude and then Justin will be sitting right there and feelings will be hurt and dinner will just go south very fast."
"Okay so what do you think we should do?"
"I'm thinking we could sit everyone down tonight before Justin gets here tomorrow. Just in case some things are said that should only be heard by family."
" I like that idea." I said.
"Okay fine I guess that's what we'll do."  About an hour later we arrived to the front gate of my house and the gates opened. Driving in the driveway I started to get goose bumps. Once the car stopped I took a deep breath. I hopped out of the car and James grabbed my bags. I walked through the doors and instantly smelled food.
"I'm home!!" I shouted from the front door. My mom came walking up to me smiling."
"Hey mama!" I said giving her a hug.
"Why didn't you call me back?" She stood there with her hands on her hip.
"Ma I'm sorry I was busy."
"Yea yea. Go in the kitchen Rose wants to see you. Oh and she knows that you've been hanging with that kid too. It was all over the blogs." She yelled from down the hall. Great just great. I entered the kitchen and seen both of my grandmas in the kitchen cooking.
"Hello!" I said walking in the kitchen sitting on the stool at the island. They both turned around and smiled.
How's my baby?" Grandma Loretta came over to me and kissed my cheeks.
"I'm good Grandma."
"How was New York?" Grandma Rose asked me doing the same."
"It was fun, mostly filled with work stuff though." Grandma Rose slid me a slice of cake with a fork."
"I know you're hungry dinner will be ready soon." She said
"Perfect because I have something to tell you guys." I said nervously.
"Yeah is it about that boy we seen you with?" Gmom Loretta asked.
"Umm actually it is." I said tucking my hair behind my ears.
"Well whatever it is I'll support you." Loretta said. "Thanks grandma." 
"Go see your grandfathers while we finish dinner." I took my cake and walked out back into the deck where my father and grandfathers were outside playing cards.
"Hey daddy!" I said kissing his forehead.
"Hey Princess I missed you babygirl." My dad and I are very close. When I was little I would fall asleep on his chest.  He's like my best friend.
"I missed you too." I said walking over to my grandfathers.
"How are my two favorite old guys?" I laughed
"The only thing at this table that is old is your fathers shoes." My grandad Tom laughed high fiving my other grandad Brad. They laughed together and I joined in.
"For your informations pops these are vintage." My dad laughed as well.
"Anyway who is this new kid we seen you with?"
"We'll discuss this at dinner." I said standing up and winking while walking back into the house. I went up the stairs and into my room and laid on the bed. My phone instantly started ringing. I looked over to see Justin trying to FaceTime me. I answered the call.
"Hey beautiful." He smiled
"Hey." I smiled.
"How was the flight?"
"I slept through it."
"What time do you get here in the morning?"  I asked eating the last piece of cake.
"I should be in Cali by 11:00 and I want to see you before dinner." 
"I don't see any reason why you can't." I smiled and just then my sisters burst through the door piling on my bed.
"Don't you guys knock before entering the room." They all looked at each other and laughed.
"Who's that?" Tori asked.
"This is Justin."  He waved to them.
"That's the one she was in the picture with. That's Justin Bieber."  Kennedy winked.
"Oh is this your boyfriend?" Tori asked. I figured I'd tell them before dinner since we were all so close.
"No he's my husband." They all stoped and laughed again.
"Come on Bell be serious. "
"You can't tell anyone this but while I was in NY we got married."
"What the hell?" Kennedy said.
"Are you serious?" Tori asked.
"Yeah and I'll be telling everyone at dinner tonight."
"Whew Chile your gonna need the Holy Bible at dinner."
"I know but you can't say anything yet."
"We're you're sister we have your back we won't say a word." Tori said.
"Okay so Justin these are my sisters Victoria who is the oldest, then there's Kennedy who's the the second oldest. I'm next and then this is our youngest sister London." I said. Justin smiled.
"It's nice to meet you guys. I'm really excited to meet the whole family." He said.  We all look at each other and laughed.
"Let's hope you still feel that way at dinner tomorrow." I laughed
"Wait he's coming over for dinner?"
"Okay and on that note I'm out of here. I'll leave you to talk with your hubby." Tori said and they followed her out. I turned my attention back to my phone.

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