13 Respect

414 11 1

"Beep! beep! beep!" Justin phone alarm went of signaling that it was time for him to awaken, in order to pick his mother up from the airport on time. He shuffled under the covers and sighed deeply. Reaching for his phone, he squinted his eyes and turned off the alarm. I didn't want him leaving me alone but I had to let him go. The sun still wasn't up yet, it was hard for Justin to get out of bed.
"Babe get up," I shake him. He laid there and stared at the ceiling.
"I'm so tired Issy," he complained. I scooted closer to him and wrapped myself in him. His body was warm against my bare chest.
"I'll send a driver for her," he said wrapping his arms around me and putting the covers over us. "Babe that's so impersonal, the faster you go the faster the both of you will be back home," I tell him. There was a knock on the door interrupting our mini convo.
"I swear if it's your friends I'm gonna scream," he laughed. "Go get dressed and I'll get the door," I tell him sliding on his sweatshirt and sweatpants from yesterday. He groans and trudged to the connected bathroom. I went down the stairs and opens the door. A very short lady stood in front of me with bags. I'm assuming this is Justin's mother. The only think that confused me was why she was here already and how did she get here?"
"Hi I'm Pattie!" She gave me the biggest smile. I smiled back at her and gave her a hug.
"I'm Isabella, but you can call me Bella," I said helping her with her bags. "Babe!" I called to Justin. "Bella it's too early for you to be yelling," he said coming out of the room and peaking over the balcony. When he seen his mother his whole face lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Mom!" He ran down the steps and picked up her petite body up. She kissed his check and smiled. This was the cutest thing in the world.
"How did you get here?" He asked her.
"I made some arrangements after getting off of the phone with you two days ago. I know how hard it is for you to get up early so I saved you the trip," she says holding her black leather jacket in her hand looking around.
"You're the best ma," he hugged her again. Pattie made Justin look super tall because of how small she is.
"Okay well I know you two need to get back to sleep, and I need to sprawl out," She laughed and began to walk in the room Justin and I had sex in.
"Mom wait!" Justin called. She stopped and gave him a funny look.
"Not that room," he said scratching the back of his head.
"Justin why not?" She looked at him again.
"It's messy," he said directing her to the room two doors down. I couldn't help but chuckle and make my way back to bed. A few minutes past by and Justin was naked again and getting back in the bed. "Your mom is so tiny and cute," I say to him moving closer to him, laying on top of him. He rubbed my back. "Bella,"
" I'm like seriously tired, and would like to sleep on my stomach baby," He says. I rolled over to the complete opposite side of the bed. I had to admit he hurt my feelings a little bit I knew it wasn't on purpose. I snuggled under the covers. "Why are you so far away?" He asked. I shrugged and faced the opposite way.
"What's wrong Isabella?"
"Nothing go to sleep you're sleepy remember?"
"You've got to be kidding me," he blew air.
"Bella you're not seriously upset about me wanting to go to sleep at 6 am,"
"I'm fine," I lied.
"But clearly you're not," I shrugged.
"You're a piece of work, you know that?" He said grabbing me and placing me back on his chest, kissing my forehead.  "I love you," I tell him falling asleep.

I woke up to an empty bed, but heard laughter downstairs. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my electric toothbrush out of the cabinet. I brushed my teeth and used my Vanity Planet Spin brush to wash my face. I still had Justin's clothes on from yesterday. I quickly changed out of them when my phone began to ring. I grabbed it off of the charger and seen my mothers caller ID show up.
"Hello," I answer sliding on my grey sweats.
"Good morning honey, you and Justin disappeared yesterday I didn't get to tell you the plans for the day," she laughed through the phone. "Breakfast as always is at auntie Cassie's house. After there would be some free time. Your aunt Kimora was thinking just us girls could have some lunch and maybe do a little shopping. Justin can hang with your brothers or maybe your father." She continued
"Ma we have one more guest coming," I inform her.
"Justin's mom flew in this morning to join,"
"Oh that's great! She can come with us,"
"Okay sounds good mom,"
"Bella breakfast is at 10:00 it's 9:00 now please be on time,"
"I will try my best,"
"Okay see you soon baby," she says hanging up. I decided to get dressed for the day, to eliminate time. I turned on the shower and hopped in. I washed my body and quickly got out. Today I decided on a long yellow flowy maxi dress. Since it was hot I put my hair up in a bun. I sprayed myself in Chanel No.5, looked at myself in the mirror and slapped on some lipgloss. "She can't still be sleep," I hear a familiar voice coming up the steps. I come out the bathroom to see Ming beginning to walk inside of my bedroom. "Bestie!" I hug her.
"I missed you Bella!" She jumped on me.
"You're so dramatic," I shake my head at her. Ming wore a light pink loose romper set, her hair was in two braids. "You look great," I compliment my best friend. "Thank you boo," she twirled. "Omg I almost forgot! How was the  date with Mike?" She smiled and sat down on the bed. "It was great bells, he's honestly perfect. Picked me up, opened my door, perfect conversation," she beamed but then stopped. I looked at her confused. I tilt my head "what's the problem?" I ask obviously not catching on to the problem.
"Justin was right," she says. I still wasn't following. "Right about what?" I asked.
"At dinner Mike told me I was great, but he wanted to just be friends because he has feelings for someone else,"
"What does this have to do with Justin?"
"Bella it's you!" I scrunched my face.
"No it's not!"
"He told me," she said. I stopped and sighed.
"Are you mad?" I asked. She stood up and kissed my cheek.
"Of course not, you can't help who likes you. Besides you're married so it's not like you're gonna go after him. "
"Please don't tell Justin," I said to her.
"Of course not! Let's go head downstairs," she said grabbing my hands and walking down the steps. In the kitchen Justin sat at the island next to his mother as they both had a conversation with James.
"Good morning," I say walking over to Justin kissing his lips.
"Good morning sweetheart," I went over to hug and kiss Pattie and she smiled.
"Mom this is the love of my life Isabella," he smiled.
"We already had our introduction this morning at the door. You're really beautiful," she says.
"Thank you!" I blushed.
"Okay so we need to leave soon for breakfast and after Pattie you and I will join my momma and sisters with Ming and her mom for lunch and shopping. Babe your hanging with the fellas." I announced.
"I think I'm gonna hang with the guys today," Jay says.
"If that's what you want to do," I shrug. On vacations I don't make Jay do any work. He's like family so I let him do whatever. I looked down at my watch to catch the time. It read 9:40. I wasn't sure how far Cassie's house was from here but hopefully it wasn't far. "We're leaving out," Ming says opening the front door to the house and disappearing with Jay. Justin his mother and I got inside of Justin's black Range and I gave him the address. I sat in the back to give Pattie and Justin some time together. I scrolled through my emails looking at new business opportunities when I received a text message from Stella informing that I would have to cut my reunion vacation short because of a last minute shoot. It sucked because I rarely got to see me family all together because everyone lived scattered in different states. I sighed as we pulled up to my auntie Cassie's house.

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