The Arrival

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I wake up out of my sleep in pain. I look over to see my sister Victoria sound asleep next to me. I sit up and cut the light on. "You okay?" She sits up with me. I feel wetness come down my legs. "Shit my water just broke," I panic. "Is your bag ready?" she asks getting up and throwing on her UGG slides. "Yeah, shit," I rub my belly. 

"Wait, Justin doesn't fly in until tonight. I can't have the babies without him," I tell her. "I'll have mom call him while I drive you to the hospital," she tells me helping me up. "What if he can't get here in time," I complain. "Listen everything will work out the way it's supposed to be. We just need to worry about you and the babies," she guided me downstairs. 

"Bella's having the babies" Tori shouts in the living room. "Everyone is asleep why are you yelling?" I ask her slowly walking to the door. "You don't know this but we have a practice drill that we practiced since you would be staying with us," she said. I could hear bedroom doors opening and closing and within a few minutes, everyone was walking down the steps and into the living room. "I called Justin and he's catching the first plane home," my mother comes up to me. "Okay, what about Elisa?" I ask her. 

"Right here mommy," she pops up from behind London. "Ahhh!!!" I yell holding my belly from the contractions. "Alright someone needs to be timing these contractions," my mother says. Jeremiah pulls out his phone to start keeping time. My phone rings and Kennedy answers it. "It's Justin," she tells me. "Speaker," I breathed out. "Hi baby," his sweet voice rings through the phone. "Justin I can't do this without you," I feel myself beginning to cry. "Baby don't worry I am on my way to the jet now. You're not going to do this without me alright. I'll be right there holding your hand the whole time," he reassures me. 

I let out another yelp. "Fuck," I cry. My whole entire body felt like I was on fire. "We need to get her to the hospital now," Rose interjects. "Josh I need you to be at the airport to get Justin when he lands. "Babe you, me and Jeremiah are going to ride with her in the car," My father nodded as he opened the front door. 

Once we finally make it to the hospital I am immediately taken back to the delivery room. "Mrs. Bieber would you like an epidural?" the doctor asks. "Yes, please," I croaked out. I was beginning to feel lightheaded. "Bella are you alright?" my father looks at me. "Yeah I think so, I'm Just a little light-headed," I tell him. 

I lay in the bed still in pain waiting for someone to give me an epidural. "Mom I can't do this," I hold her hand sobbing. "Look at me, Isabella. You can do this and you're going to do this because your strong and brave," she kisses my forehead. "How far are your contraction," my Obgyn comes into the room putting on her gloves. "They are about 5 minutes apart," Jeremiah tells her and she nods. "Bella honey I am going to check you," she tells me and I nod. 

"Alright you are not fully dilated yet honey but you are pretty close. I am going to get you that epidural in a few minutes to take the pain away. Although the pain will be gone, there will still be pressure," she warns. I just nod from being so exhausted. I take a moment and look down at my belly and start rubbing it. "Alright, babies, daddy isn't here yet so if we could just wait for him to get here that would be perfect," I tell them.

"Okay Justin is on the plane and he's coming from Vegas so he should be here no more than in about an hour and 15 minutes," my mother tells me. "Alright, babies just stay inside for another hour or so," I talk to the babies again. The doctor then comes in with a huge needle ready to inject into my back. The needle hurt like hell but it would be worth it when I finally could relax. 

It was hard to get comfortable in the bed due to my oversized belly and the small bed. "Can you guys get Elisa please," I ask my dad and he nods before leaving the room. The rest of the family were in the waiting room. The pressure I felt was out of this world and probably the most uncomfortable feelings I have ever experienced. 

After about a few minutes I hear little Elisa's voice in the hallway. "Pop Pop did my mommy have the babies yet?" she asks my dad before they both appear in the doorway. "Not yet pumpkin but I wanted you to come and lay with mommy," I tell her and her face lights up. Elisa came and laid with me before we both fell asleep. 

I wake up from this weird feeling of needing to push. "Fuck someone call Ming she can't miss this!" I remember that my best friend wasn't by my side. "They already did," she said walking into my hospital room. A sigh of relief washes over me. "Oh Bestfriend I'm really going to be a mother of three children," I sob. "The best damn mother too," she hugs me and sits on the bed. 

"Guys I think it's time," I tell them. I felt like something was coming out of me. "I'll go get the doctors," my mom walks out. "Justin isn't here yet," I get nervous looking at the clock. "He'll be here soon and everything will be fine," Ming reassures me. All of the doctors came rushing into my room. I was checked and now was completely dilated. 

"No, No my husband isn't here yet and I refuse to have these babies without him," I tell the doctors. "Honey I don't think the babies are going to wait much longer," my doctor tells me. "They don't have to I'm here," I see Justin in a hair net and the little scrubs that the doctors wear. "Babe!" I smile as he comes over and kisses my lips. "Alright show time," the doctor smiles. 

"Bells I need you to push with everything you got. I can see the head," she tells me and I nod. Elisa is down the bottom watching her sibling come through my vagina. I stop pushing because of the amount of pressure and take a few breaths. "You're doing great babe," Justin encourages me. "Justin it hurts," I sob. He rubs my back and kisses the side of my head. "Bella we have the first baby almost out I need one last push to get the legs out," I give one more of my strongest pushes and the baby comes flying out. I could hear the crying. I look at Justin who had a little tear in his eye. "One more to go," he kisses my lips. 

"Okay baby," I nod and take more deep breaths. "It's a girl!" my doctor smiles as she hands off Ella to the nurses to get cleaned up. Ming cuts the cord on Ella and next out is Eli. "Alright the next baby is almost out Bella give me one last push sweetheart," My doctor says. "I can't," I breathe out. "Mommy you got this," Elisa looks up from my private area straight to me. I felt like that gave me all the confidence in the world. I sit up and give it all I got before my sweet Eli comes shooting out. I relax my body as Justin cuts the second chord. "You did it," Justin kisses me so passionately. 

"I did," I weakly smile. I could hear the little tiny cries of my babies. I couldn't wait to see them. "I'm so proud of you," my momma comes over to me and smiles while rubbing my forehead. Justin walks over to the twins as the nurses get their weights. He was smiling so hard down at them and it made my heart do flips. 

"They are beautiful," he says looking back over at me. They get them cleaned off and hand Ella over to me. I was completely amazed at how this tiny little human had come out of me. "Hi mama, it's your mommy," I smile down at her. "I love you, my sweet girl," I let a tear fall down my face. I look up at Justin who was smiling down at Eli. "Lisa come here," I motion her to come to sit next to me. "This is your big sister Elisa," I bring little Ella down to Elisa's view. 

"Hi Ella," Elisa kisses her forehead. "I can't wait to have tea parties with you," she giggles. "Do you want to hold Eli now?" Justin asked. I nod and we trade babies. The rest of the family came in and we started taking pictures. I felt so happy at this moment. "I love you," I look over to Justin and squeeze his hands. "I love you more and thank you for giving me two of the most beautiful little tiny humans in the world," he smiles.

The doctor came back in. "Alright birth certificate time," she smiles. I sit up and look at the twins. "Babe we didn't come up with middle names," Justin says. I give Ella one last look. "Elysandra Heaven Bieber," I smile and say. 

"It's perfect," Justin tells me. "What about Eli then?" momma asks. "Elisha Drew Bieber," Justin looks at me for confirmation. I nodded my head at him. "They are really beautiful," the doctor smiles leaving out. 

"This moment couldn't be any better," I say to Ming. After a few more minutes everyone left out of the hospital room leaving just Justin the twins and me. "How are you feeling?" Justin asks from the couch they had in our room. "I'm excited but exhausted at the same time," I whisper. I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier by the moment. "I love you," I tell him. "I love you more baby," were the last words I heard before I closed my eyes. 

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