Christmas Tree

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"Mommy it's snowing!" Elisa's excited voice screamed in my ear. I open my eyes and Justin was still fast asleep, his arms were snaked around my waist. 

"Good morning pumpkin," I sat up careful not to wake Justin. 

"Mommy, can we play in the snow please?" She asked. 

"After breakfast baby, when daddy is up," I tell her. She screamed and jumped up and down. Justin began to stir in his sleep. He turned on his side fell back asleep. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked her. She nodded her head yes. 

"Alright let me brush my teeth and wash my face and I'll meet you in the kitchen," I tell her and she runs out of the room. I swing my feet over the bed and slide on my slippers. I waddle to the bathroom and begin my morning routine. I walk out of the bathroom and Justin was sitting up in bed on his phone smiling. 

"What are you smiling at?" I ask walking over to him.

"Nothing," he smiled at me locking his phone back. He puckered his lips for a kiss but I denied it and walked out of the room. He was hiding something and I didn't like it. 

"Bella!" I hear him call from our bedroom but I continue my way down the stairs to Elisa, who was waiting for me. She sat at the counter coloring her Christmas coloring book. 

"Did you feed your bunny?" I asked her. 

"No mommy, I need help I can't find the scooper for the food," I helped her find it and we went over to Prince's cage. Elisa took her bowl out of the cage and began scooping the food into it. I took her water bowl over to the sink and filled it up. 

"Mommy Prince made a stinky we need to clean it," 

"Okay let me get the cleaning stuff," I tell her and go over to the pantry where we keep all of Prince's food, hay, and bedding. After cleaning the cage and making sure Prince was all situated. We went to let out Princess outside. 

"Baby make sure you're putting the jacket on the right way," I tell Elisa who had her jacket upside down. She finally put it on the right way. I zipped her all up and kiss her cheek causing her to smile. I grabbed the leash and connected it to Princess's collar. We headed out the door.  


"Yes, baby?" 

"Can we get a Christmas tree today?" She asked kicking snow.

"I don't see why not," I tell her. Princess began to poop. 

"Did you grab the bags off of the counter?" I ask. 

"Yes mommy," she said pulling them out of her pocket. She bent down and picked up her puppies poop. She then hands me the bag so that I can tie it. 

"How's school baby?" 

"Some girl was being mean to me and Madison," she informs me. 

"What did they do?" 

"Well there's this girl name Kaitlyn and she tells me that my hair is ugly because it's curly and that only little kids wear Moana book bags," 

"Do you want me to go up to the school?" 

"Yes please because I told Mrs. Richardson and she just tells all of us to be nice," 

"Don't worry mommy will handle it," I tell her. 

"Thanks, mommy, can we go back I'm cold and hungry," 

"Yeah baby come on," we walk back to the house and we put away Princess' leash. Justin was sitting on the couch watching tv. Elisa and I hung up our jackets and I headed to the kitchen while Elisa went to greet her father. I prepared breakfast while they watched a movie. A good 30 minutes past and breakfast is ready. 

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