Meet the Husband

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I woke up to an empty bed. I guess Ming left for her shoot this morning. I grabbed my phone off the dresser to check my Instagram. I scrolled and liked pictures until there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked over into the living room to the door revealing Stella and James.
"Good morning." I smiled letting them inside the room. They came in and sat down and James hands me a coffee.
"So what's the game plan for today?" I asked
"Scooter contacted me this morning saying Justin got in this morning and he should be here to pick you up at 12:00."
"Okay well it's 11:00 now so I'll get ready at 11:30 which gives me thirty minutes to spare." I smiled.
"You know regular girls get ready an hour before someone comes to get them." Stella said
"Yea but I think we've established that I'm not one of those regular girls." I laugh laying my head in James lap. 

"Okay well you have a pretty crazy week ahead so we need to merge your calendar with Justin's."
"Whew Chile that's a lot."
"You guys are getting married. Speaking of that, on Wednesday you guys will go down to the courthouse to do the paperwork."
"Don't you think that's too close?"
"Honey it's now or never." She shrugged
"I think I'll be okay with never, right James?" I laughed and he high five me. Stella shook her head. 

"One day you are going to thank me for this"
" I wouldn't be so sure about that Stell."
"So what are you going to wear to meet your future hubby?" James asked
"I'm not sure I was thinking something casual not to much. Your first impression is everything." He nodded and agreed.
"What about a dress?"
"Like a sundress type of dress or a dress that makes my booty look good?"
" Girl your booty looks good in any dress." We laughed as we walked into the room to see what I had packed.
"This might be a struggle because I didn't plan on being married on this trip. So I don't have a meet my future husband outfit in there." James laughed.

"Why do you have a joke for everything?" I shrugged and laid on the bed. He pulled out my pink sundress with a slit on the side, that I had packed inside of my suitcase. He held it up
"What about this one?" I tilted my head to the side.
"Looks good to me. Inside of the big zipper thing there should be a pair of gold strapped sandals that go all the way up my leg.
"These?" He held them up. I nodded and checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls and to my surprise my mom had called but I would have to call her later because there is no way I can keep this from her.
" Go get in the shower Bella its 11:45 and Prince Charming should be here in 15 minutes."
"Maybe we'll be lucky and he won't show." I said walking into the bathroom. I could hear James chuckling outside of the bathroom. I did my usual morning routine and as I was curling my hair I heard a knock on the door. Stella opened it of course. I heard two unfamiliar voices talking and I could hear Stella being polite and inviting someone to sit down.
"Bella Justin is here." Stella shouted
"I'm curling my hair I should be out in a few minutes hopefully." James walked inside the room with a smile on his face. I gave him a funny look.
"Why are you smiling?"
"He's cuter in person girl."
"You've got to be kidding me, don't tell me you're catching bieber fever J." I laug unplugging the curling irons. I don't understand the hype about him. I fluffed my hair out and put on lip-gloss and earrings. 

"How do I look?" I spun around looking at James.
"Amazing." He smiled. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for these next moments. James walked out the door first and I followed. I looked up and I seen him. It's like everything in the room stopped for a second. James was kinda right he's really cute in person. He looked at me with a smirk.
"So." I say awkwardly waiting for him to make a move.
"I'm Justin." He extended his hand for me to shake.
"I'm Bella." I declined the handshake and went in for a hug.
"I come from a very big family and we don't do handshakes." I said as I gave him a hug.
"I like that." He laughed returning the gesture. He smelled really good. When we pulled back I smiled. 

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