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Three Days Later.........


Pattie and I were in the living room playing with the twins and Elisa while watching CocoMelon. "Have you heard from him?" I ask her. "He stopped by my house last night. He only wanted one thing though," she says focusing on Ella. "Did you give it to him?" I ask. "No, I asked him to leave. he called me a slut and slammed my door," she tells me.

"You do know you deserve better than that," I sigh. "I never seem to find better," she laughs a little. "Maybe you need to work on yourself a little more. Become stronger in yourself, that way the first time a guy has you fucked up you can kick his ass to the curb," I smile. She laughs a little with me and Justin comes home and he did not look too happy.

"Hey, honey what's wrong?" I ask him. "I need to talk to you in the bedroom," he says giving me a serious look. "Uh oh, I think mommy is in trouble," I joke passing Eli off to Pattie. Justin was already walking towards our bedroom before I could catch up. "Justin baby what's wrong?" I ask finally catching up to him. He shuts the door and stares at me. My anxiety began to kick in and my stomach started churning.

"I want you to be honest with me," he says and I nod scared. "Who did you write a check for $175,000 to?" he asks me. I scrunch up my face. "How did you know about that?" I ask him. They emailed us both about sending an accessive amount of money. I sigh because Pattie didn't want me to tell him about her situation.

I look at him with sympathetic eyes. "Justin I promised I wouldn't say anything," I tell him hoping he would leave it alone. "That's not a good enough answer Isabella," he says. Aww man he called me by my whole name. "I know but it's going to have to be for right now," I sigh. He looked at me so angry. Pattie was standing at the door. "Justin, don't be mad at her," she says coming into the room.

"Mom stay out of this it's between my wife and me," he tells her. "Don't be rude to your mom," I warn him. "You of all people don't tell me what to do," he says. I was taken aback by his comment. "I'm the reason she wrote the check," Pattie says. Justin turns his attention to her. "What could you have needed $175,000 for?" he asks her.

"Well, I owed Christian some money and he was threatening me and abusing me until I got the money from you," she says. "So you went behind my back and asked Bella for my money?" he asks. "First of all we are married so it's OUR money. Second I didn't use our joint account I used my work account, that's why I am confused on why you even received an email," I say.

"Are you out of your mind?" he looks at Pattie. She looked super nervous and I hated that she backed down from men. I stepped in front of her and looked Justin straight in the eye. "She didn't ask me for the money. I overheard the conversation and then I saw bruises on her arms and I told her I'd give her the money," I say. "Why didn't you say anything to me about it. I am your husband," he replies. "Your mother asked me not to,"

"So your relationship with her is more important than ours?" he asks. "What kind of question is that? Now I see why she didn't want to say anything. Look at how you are reacting now. You would've made the situation worse," I tell him.

"I'm sorry," Pattie says getting between us. "Do not apologize. You needed help and I helped you just like if the roles were switched and you had it you would give it to me. You need to apologize to your mother for talking to her the way you just did right now," I tell Justin.

"Mom, I am sorry for speaking to you the way I did," he says lowly. "Nope have the same energy you had when you were being disrespectful," I tell him and he says it a little louder. "I didn't mean to cause issues between you two," she says. "The only people who can cause issues are us two. Since he wants to be a jack ass he can be a jackass alone," I push past him and start packing my stuff.

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