Almost here

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Time seems to be flying by fast. I am 9 months pregnant. I am leaving Justin in two days because I am very close to having the twins and my doctor said I need to be home on bed rest. It will suck not being able to see him every day but I'm ready to go home and take it easy. Touring with Justin had been so much fun but now it's time to be at home with my family, whom I haven't seen in what feels like forever.

"Justin we need you for soundcheck," the tour manager peeped his head through the door of Justin's dressing room. I could hear him sigh as he walked across the room and out of the door. Justin was ready for the tour to be over. His main focus was constantly on the twins and me. I appreciated his concerns but I felt like he wasn't appreciating all of these people who paid crazy amounts of money to see him. We actually argued about it last night. 

"How are you feeling Bella?" Allison peeped in. "I wish he would focus on this tour," I tell her. She came and sat down next to me on the couch. "Can you blame him? His wife is pregnant with twins and leaves in a couple of days, and he has to continue two more weeks of touring before going home." she tried to reason with me. 

"I know but do you know how many people saved up for this show and he's going out there and half-assing the show just so he can come back and stare at me," I laugh. "These are his first real children Bella cut him some slack," she rubbed my belly. "Ally I'm tired," I sigh. "Do you want to go back to the hotel?" she asked. "No, I think I'm ready to go back home," I tell her. 

"Like California?" she asked. I could tell she was hoping I was kidding. "Yes, home home. I can't keep chasing after him and traveling. I am 9 months pregnant with twins. My body aches with just moving from one place to the next," I say honestly. 

"Have you talked to him yet?" she asked. " I don't know how to tell him. I feel like if I go home early he's gonna cancel shows." I sigh. "Stop thinking about everybody else. Nobody including Justin is pregnant right now. Whatever you feel is right is what you need to do. Justin will have to understand it," she said helping me up. "Where are we going?" I ask. 

"To wait for Justin to finish this next song," she said putting me in a wheelchair and pushing me around backstage. Justin came off the stage and saw me in the wheelchair. He rushed over to me. "Are you okay?" he panicked. I look up at Allison and she nodded and walked away. "I need to talk to you," I tell him. He pushed me back to his dressing room and shut the door. "What's the problem?" he asked. 

I sighed a little and motion for him to come to me. "Baby I am exhausted from touring and physically I don't think I can handle it anymore. I think after tonight I am going to go back home," I tell him. "Should I cancel the shows and come home too?" he asked. "No babe, I'll see you in a few weeks when the first leg of the tour is over and you and Elisa will be home," I kiss him. "Bella I don't like the idea of you being alone," he tells me. 

"I'll stay with my family and everything will be fine," I reassure him. "I'm going to miss you, Bella," I could tell he really wanted me to stay but I have to do what's best for me and our children. "Do you feel like I won't miss you?" I ask him. "No, I am just really excited and I want to be there for everything,"

"And I want you with me but you made a commitment to your fans out there and right now they need you more than I do at this very moment," I stand up and hold him as much as possible. He chuckled at my failed attempt. "I'm gonna miss seeing you wobble around my shows," he kissed my forehead. 

Since this would be my last night I decided to enjoy the concert in the audience. Halfway through the concert, Justin stopped for a second. "So some of you or probably all of you know that I will be a father to twins pretty soon. My incredible wife has been touring with me and tonight is her last night with me for the next two weeks. So in honor of her, I would like to do something a little different tonight but special," he announced. The next thing I know a chair is brought on stage and so am I. I smiled and wobbled with the help of his dancers. "Look at her isn't she beautiful?" he asked walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. I blushed. 

"Babe this is for you," he winked. The music for "One Less Lonely Girl" came on and the crowd went wild. Justin began singing to me. It made me cry as held me and looked into my eyes. Then flowers were brought out and Justin gave them to me and kissed my lips sending the crowd into a frenzy. He never ceases to amaze me. When the song finished I headed back to the hotel and waited for Justin to arrive. I decided on running myself a bath to relax my back, which was aching me. 

My phone started ringing and it was Elisa's camp. I instantly grew worried. "Hello," I answered. "Hi mommy," her sweet little voice said through the phone. "Hey baby, are you alright?" I ask putting bubble bath in the tub. "I just really miss you and daddy. My counselor said since I haven't called in a while that I could call tonight before bed," she tells me. "I miss you more pumpkin. How is everything at camp?" I ask her. "It's so much fun. Today we made dreamcatchers and we went swimming in the lake," she said excitedly. 

"They are teaching you how to swim?" I ask. "Yes, and I'm good too!" 

"I bet you are! You're going to have to show me all your skills when you come home in a few weeks. I can't wait to see you and give you all the kisses in the world." I laugh. 

"Where's dad?" she asked. "He's still performing baby, I'll let him know you called though,"

"Okay," she sighed. "I love you," I tell her. "I love you to mom," she said before we disconnected the call. I turned off the water and put a bath bomb in. I took my clothes off and relaxed my body in the warm water. I closed my eyes as the water took the weight of the twins off of my back. I inhaled deeply and exhaled soon after. Ripping and running were taking a toll on my body and I needed to stay in one place for now.

After my bath, I climbed into bed and watched a movie. "Bella!" I hear Justin come through the door. "In the bed," I yell back. Soon after my handsome husband walks in the room sweating. I give him a confused look. "Why are you sweating?" I ask. "I didn't shower after the show because I wanted to come straight back to you," he smiled. I couldn't help but chuckle. Even though I wanted him more focused on his shows it was so sweet how he wanted to be by my side at every moment. 

"Go shower so we can make an attempt to cuddle," I laugh. Justin disappeared into the bathroom for a minute while I laid down and watched a movie. "Don't go to sleep on me," I hear Justin's voice and the bed sinks down next to me. He places a kiss on my cheek and wraps his arms around me. " I still can't believe you're leaving me," he looks sad. I turn around to him and rubs the sides of his face. "I'm going to miss you so much baby and I promise to call you every day and to answer every time you call. I promise to protect me and our children so that when you come home everything is running smoothly. I want you to give your fans everything you got. Enjoy the time you have with them because you never know when it will be your last time," I tell him in all seriousness. 

"I hear you," he sighs a little. "I hope so," I smile letting go of his face. "You're so incredible, did you know that?" he looks up at me with a bright smile. "I've been told a few times in living," I smile. "Well you are and I am so lucky to have to you in my life," he placed a kiss on my forehead. "The feeling is mutual," I smile snuggling into him more. 

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