Family 22

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Today is the day that both mine and Justin's family would meet and we would make the announcement about the new addition to the family. We decided to throw the party at our house. My sister planed the whole party, it was a garden themed baby shower/ engagement party. All of our friends and family would be here. The backyard was completely covered in flowers and vines. It was so beautiful, my sister really outdid herself.
"Mommy I don't like the way uncle jay did my hair can you fix it?" Elisabeth asked coming into the bathroom.
"What's wrong with it?" I laughed.
"The ponytails are uneven," she complained. Jay came in behind her.
"Well I didn't sign up to do hair so," he shrugged. I laughed at the two of them as Elisa rolled her eyes. She was such a sassy little girl. I took out the ponytails and brushed her hair out.
"Can I wear it out today?" She asked.
"Okay let me wet it first though," I said grabbing the spray bottle and spraying her hair.
"Where's daddy?"
"I'm not sure baby, he was gone when I woke up this morning," I said finishing her hair.
Ming came inside the bathroom in a babyphat tube top and sweats.
"Where are your clothes?" I asked my best friend.
"I'll change later, I brought them with me," she responded.
"Hi godmommy!" Elisa smiled at Ming.
"Hey beautiful," she said picking her up and kissing her. Ming carries her out the bathroom and left me alone. I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet to find what I would be wearing today. I decided on a floral maxi skirt and a white tank top. I left my hair out and kept it in it's natural curly state. It was now time for makeup. Usually I'd do makeup in the living room but my sister had everything occupied. Melissa my usual makeup artist came up to my bedroom and began setting up her makeup. I sat down in the chair and she started on my brows. Justin walked in carrying a box. He sat it on my lap.
"Open it," he instructs me.
"Okay," I said taking the top off the box. A box full of Roses laid on my lap. I look back up to my husband and smile.
"Thank you baby I love you," Justin bent down and kissed me.
"I love you more," he smiled taking off his shoes and laying out on the bed.
"Sleepy?" I ask.
"Yeah this album is kicking my ass," he covered his eyes with his arm.
"I'm proud of you," I tell him
"Yeah, you're working so hard,"
"Thanks Issy it means a lot coming from you,"
"Take a nap baby, I'll wake you up when you need to be dressed," he nodded and closed his eyes.
"He's really handsome," Melissa winked.
"Thanks," I laughed. Justin began snoring. That's how I knew he was sleepy. He only snored when he hasn't slept. Tonight would be his first night off since we came home from vacation. I was a little worried about him. Melissa finished up and cleaned up.
"I'll be back later for the party," she kissed my cheek. After she left I sat on the bed and sat against the headboard. I tapped Justin, he sat up and I opened my arms. He crawled to me and laid on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"That feels so good," he smiled. I bent down and kissed his forehead.
"Baby do you want to cancel the party? Or you can just stay up here and sleep. I want you to sleep. I'm worried about you," I tell him.
"No baby I'll be fine. I'll sleep tonight,"
"You sure?"
"Yes baby,"
"While I'm gone please sleep. I'm not playing with you. You can get sick from lack of sleep Justin. I need to know that you can take care of yourself when I'm not around. I'll make sure Im not gone too long and I'll be home to take good care of you,"
"You're the best,"
"I know," I laughed. I let him sleep and rubbed his back. Elisa came running in and I shushed her.
"Daddy is very sleepy so we have to be very quiet so he can sleep," I tell her. She dramatically tip toed around the bed and softly climbed on the bed. She rubbed his back and kissed him.
"Hi princess," he said with his eyes still closed.
"Hi daddy, I missed you," she tell him and he smiled.
"I missed you to babygirl. I've been working but when I catch up on some sleep it's me and you,"
"Yay!" She kissed him again. I left the two upstairs and went downstairs. Ming and Jay were sitting in the family room talking.
"What's up bitches!" I laughed walking in.
"What up hoe," Ming said.
"Is mike coming?" Jay asked.
"I'm not sure, probably not since Georgia," I say. The truth was I didn't know where Micheal and I stood. I didn't know if Justin was okay with him being around even though they talked. I didn't want to push it so I'm leaving it alone. 
"Tori really out did herself with this baby shower/ engagement party," Ming said.
"Yeah I know right. I told her she should start her own company," I say.
"Are you excited to meet Justin's family?"
"I am a little nervous," I admit.
"Why?" Jay asked.
"What if they don't like me?"
"Why would they not like you Bella? You're saving their son and grandsons career. And you're amazing. If they don't like you then that's on them," Ming said.
"Sometimes I forget this is arranged," I chuckled.
"That's because you guys are building something real," Jay said.
"Yea you're right, but remember nobody but you guys and our family know about the arrangement." I whisper.
"Bella we know," Ming laughed.
"The grandmothers are here!" My mother shouted walking into our house with Pattie by her side. I loved how close they became. My mother and Pattie met Elisabeth the day after we arrived and they immediately fell in love with her.
"Grandma and abuela!" Elisa came running to the both of them. My mom wanted her to learn Spanish so she has her calling her abuela which is Spanish for grandma.
"How's grandmas girl?" Pattie asked.
"I'm good but guess what?"
"I'm getting my own room!" She squealed.
"Oh so you're going to be a big girl now!" Elisa giggles and nods her head.
"Look what we got you!" My mom said pulling out a big bag.
"Ma not now gifts are for later," I whined
"Honey we are grandmothers now. What we say goes," Pattie said.
"Omg I definitely didn't sign up for another mom," I joked.
"Yeah well you married my son and got me too," she smirked.
"Where's my husband? Y'all will not gang up on me like this ," I laughed going to the steps. I yelled Justin's name from the bottom of the steps.
"Yes baby," He said coming down the steps in grey sweats and rubbing his eyes. He looked terrible.
"Our mothers are down here ganging up on me," I tell him. Justin laughed and walked over to his mom and mine and kissed them both on the cheek. He came back over to me and stood behind me. Justin wrapped his arms around me and put his head in my neck.
"Justin you okay?" His mother asked. He nodded not looking up.
"Baby you don't look too hot" I lowly say as I rock us back and forth.
"I'm fine I'll take a shower and feel refreshed," he ensures me.
"Okay honey," just then Tori walks in with Kennedy. They were dressed for the party already.
"You like?" Tori asked.
"It's amazing Tori I am so proud of you," I smile at her.
"Oh and their will be games!" She smirked. I shook my head.
"You know our family is competitive," I laughed.
"I know but it's better than sitting around,"
"That's very true," I agreed with her.  Justin began a coughing fit. I turned to him rubbed his back.
"Babe you're worrying me," I sit him down and get him some water. He took the water from me and began to drink it. I sat in his lap and kissed his cheek. I held him around his neck.
"Baby I'm fine," he tries to convince me. I just held onto him some more.
"When do you leave for New York?" My mother asked.
"Tomorrow morning,"
"Who's going to have my grand baby?"
"She's coming with me,"
"She can stay with us," Pattie said. I really wanted Elisabeth with me.
"Thanks but I want to take her with me," I inform.
"Alright honey, but it's going to be a lot of work," she says.
"I know but I want to spend as much time with her as possible,"
"Party starts in a half an hour, hubby needs to go get dressed," my sisters informs. I stood up off of Justin's lap and he went upstairs.

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