New home, new babies, new news

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It would have been more ideal if we would've moved into the home before the twins arrived but the way life is set up things don't happen the way you want them. It was feeding time and unfortunate for me both children were hungry at the same time. I had an interview in two hours here at the house which we were currently in the process of moving into. I needed a shower and a nap. 

The sound of glass breaking broke me out of my thoughts. I tilt my head back and sigh. "What was that?" I ask. "It's a picture frame. I am so sorry it fell out of the box," a mover sincerely apologizes. "Please be careful," I try to be nice. I was completely over today and it hadn't even started, it was only 9 am. 

"I didn't hire you guys to break our belongings," I could hear Justin say. "I'm really sorry," the mover said. I could tell he felt like shit about breaking the frame. It honestly wasn't that big of the deal, we could buy another one. "Babe," I call Justin so he could leave the guy alone. "Yes, baby?" he came in watching me with both babies on each of my nipples. "Be nice," I warn him. 

"He needs to pay more attention to what he is doing," he says grumpily. "You okay?" I ask him. "Yes," he sighs and sits in front of me. "Talk to me," I pass him a child to burp while I burp the other. "I argued with Scooter earlier about him wanting us to fly to Paris for two days this week for an interview," he places Ella over his shoulder and burps her. "We just had the twins how could we possibly do that?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"That was what I was saying to him. He is just all of a sudden being an ass," he shakes his head. "Just trying to make sure you're not forgotten," I try to encourage him. "Yeah, but how could people forget about me when you just had twins two weeks ago?" he rolls his eyes making me laugh. 

"Baby relax okay? Later when we put the children down how about just the two of us do something small like an ice cream date tonight?" I suggest. He smiles at me as Ella finally burps of course not before throwing up all down the back of Justin's shirt. "Shit! she got me," he reaches for her receiving blanket to wipe her face. He cleaned her face and neck up. "You got daddy?" he smiles in her face as she looks up at him with those big hazel eyes. He smiles looking down at her. 

She was definitely going to be another daddy's girl for sure. If she was with Justin she wouldn't cry but when she's with me she's hot and cold. On the other hand, Eli was in love with his mama. He always wants to be in my arms. Justin fake beef with him about hogging me. "You're daddy's princess," he smiles down at her and she squirms. "Yes, you are my sweet little Ella," he continues with his talk. 

"Once Eli burped I put him down for a nap and took a shower before hair and makeup came. "Can I join you?" Justin holds me from behind. I smile turning around wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yes, you may," I kiss his lips. My body hadn't quite snapped back from having the twins but Justin was sure to let me know that he didn't mind the access weight in my stomach area. "You're so beautiful," he kissed my stretch marks on my stomach. I smile as he brings his kiss all the way up to my breast. "Be careful, I might spray you," I tell him. 

"Can I try your breastmilk?" he asks. I cock my head to the side. "In the shower?" I question him. He nods his head and picks up one of my breasts and looked me in the eye while placing my nipple in his mouth. I was just praying for two things. My one boob in his mouth wouldn't leak after he got his taste and also that the other boop wouldn't start. 

When he finished he licked his lip. "Well?" I ask. "It's sweet," he brought me closer to him. "Sweet just like you," he said making me blush. "Come on loverboy let's get washed up so we won't be late," I throw my rag at him. 


"So Bella you are a new mom to twins. How is that going for you?" the interviewer asks adjusting herself on our couch. I smile at her and answer her question. "Honestly it's a little challenging but you know I'm adjusting to it," 

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