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"Okay Bella honey we have to get going, you're VS shoot is in a half an hour and there's traffic," Stella rushed me out of the door.
"I'm coming hold on," I tell her. I grab my phone and head out the door. Paparazzi waited for me outside the hotel and the familiar Cadillac waited for me outside. I got inside and sat down. I took a deep breath and watched the lights and cameras flash as we drove off. It has been a week since I left my husband and daughter. My mother was in charge of making sure everything was perfect for Elisa's new room. The room should be done today hopefully. Even though I'm sure Elisa wouldn't mind still sleeping with Justin and I. I called my mom to check on how things were going with the renovations.
"Hey, beautiful," My mother greeted over FaceTime.
"Hey mommy how is everything going?" I ask her.
"Justin and Elisa are still out but the room is finished. Do you want to see it?" I nodded through the phone. My mom turned the camera around and showed me the room.

"Oh mom! She's gonna love it!" I smiled

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"Oh mom! She's gonna love it!" I smiled.
"Of course she is. Momma doesn't lead her babies wrong," she smiled.
"I miss my babies how are they?"
"Justin's been in the studio. He takes Elisa with him sometimes. They've been over for dinner almost every night. She slept here last night with your sisters. Justin had a late-night session. I told him that she could just stay with us until he picked her up this morning," she informs me.
"Thanks, ma," I show my appreciation.
"You're my baby and I love you so I'll do as much as I can to help you," she smiled.
"How're things in New York?" She asked.
"They are great! I've done four interviews in the past week. I have a shoot today for Victoria Secret, that's actually where I'm on my way to. Next week I have a couple of more shoots,"
"You sound busy," she said I laughed and agreed.
"I am. I just can't wait to come home," I whined.
"Well, this is what comes with your job sweetheart. But I can tell that they miss you a whole lot," she reassured me. I smiled again.
"Okay mommy we're almost here. Record her reaction and send it to me. Tell Justin I'll call them later," I tell her before disconnecting my call. Once we pulled up I immediately got out the car and walked quickly into the building. I was greeted by smiling faces and I smiled back at everyone.
"Bella!!!" Jasmine ran up to me. I hugged my friend as she walked me over to the dressing room we shared.
"Bella I'm so sorry I couldn't make the party," she apologizes as we stripped out of clothes.
"It's fine we'll probably throw a bunch of other parties," I tell her.
"So how is the married life?" She asked sliding on a bathing suit. I stopped to put my hair up into a ponytail as I continued to undress.
"It's been challenging, you know because this is all so new for the both of us," I tell her.
"Yea I hear marriage is harder than being in a regular relationship," she laughs. I laughed along with her.
"So What is it like being a mom now? You know you're life is moving so fast. Every time I see you, you have something new. Watch the next time I see you you're gonna have a bun in the oven," she playfully pushed me while laughing.
"Well first lets hope not. I'm not ready to be pregnant. And two it's been fun but hard. I want her to be a mommy's girl so bad but I think she likes Justin more than me. She was suppose to be here with me but she wanted to stay home with Justin," I frowned.
"I'm sure she loves you Bella! You're probably just being very dramatic," she gave me a sincere look.
"Maybe I am," I shrug.
"Bella we need you in makeup," one of the set mangers came in with my robe. I quickly put it on and followed him out to get my makeup done. Tons of taller and much thinner girls walked past me. Most smiled at me and others just stared. One girl whispered to the other girl and they both began to laugh. I paid them no mind though I just kept walking to my chair. Stella and Jay stood across the set. Stella seemed to be showing Jay something on her phone. They both looked up at me and then looked back down. I sighed knowing that whatever it is they were looking at wouldn't be something I was going to be excited about. The makeup artist began to apply light makeup to my face as the hairstylist began to add clip-ins into my hair. A gorgeous tall girl wearing a bikini approached me with a smile. Her hair was curly and teased. Her smile was gorgeous and she seemed very nice.
"Hi my name is Taylor," she extended her hand.
"I'm Bella," I accepted her handshake.
"I just wanted to welcome you to the angels club. Not everyone here can be nice," she laughed nervously.
"I can tell, some of them stared at me and whispered as I walked by," I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah don't pay them any attention. They are just jealous because you're married to Justin Bieber,"
"Oh really?" I asked intrigued.
"Yeah at one point there was an ongoing battle between girls to see who could pull him. I mean like him and Barbara had a thing going. But honestly, it wasn't much of a thing because it wasn't very serious. I mean I don't know that's what she told me. But yeah I'm not sure if you really wanted to hear that," she laughed again nervously.
"No it's great I like to know what I'm getting myself into," I tell her.
"I agree with you on that. Sometimes this can be a mean girl's vibe. But when they snap pictures it looks like we're all in this sisterhood,"
After my hair and makeup were done both Taylor and I walked to the wardrobe room to get my bathing suit on. As we approached the room two girls were whispering. I couldn't exactly make out what it was they were saying but I did hear Justin's name.
"Hold on Taylor give me a minute," I tell her and she nodded. I walked to the two girls with a smile.
"Is there something you would like to say?" I ask the two girls who stood in front of me with a smirk on their faces. One rolled her eyes while the other one stood there.
"You think you're better than everyone here," one girl said stepping up to me.
"How do you figure that?" I ask.
"Because he chose you. Justin married you so you walk in here like your shit don't stink but it does," I smirked at her.
"Nah baby you think my shit don't stink. I'm sorry that your hopes and dreams of becoming Mrs. Bieber didn't come true. It honestly sounds like a personal problem. Keep my man's name out your mouth. Do I make myself clear?"
"Whatever bitch," she said and walked away. I walked back over to Taylor.
"I like you," she bumped my hip. I laughed as she waited for me to put on my bathing suit. I finished putting it on and we walked out to the shooting area.
"Bella and Taylor we need you!" The director called. Jasmine was standing over on the canvas with one other girl. I stood behind her and Taylor laid across the bottom of us.
"Perfect!" The director shouted. The photographer placed us at the angles he wanted us. He began to snap away. I was becoming heated from the lights they hung over us. I canned myself as the shoot continued.
"Bella come get changed for the next set," the stylist called to me. I removed myself from the picture and ran to the wardrobe room. She began to sort through clothes as I waited.
"Okay Bella put this on quickly," she said handing me a pink pajama short set. I nodded as I slid out of the bathing suit and into the pajamas. Shortly after I was directed to a different set with different girls.
"Bella stand behind Sasha. Sasha raise your hand," The director said. Sasha raised her hand and smiled. I made my way behind her. The photographer snapped a couple of pictures.
"I'm jealous of you?" Sasha said.
"Me why?" I asked shocked.
"You're married to Justin freaking Bieber girl. Do you not understand how lucky you are!" She laughed.
"I'm a belieber," she confessed. I laughed at her as the photographer placed us in different places.
"Bella look up and smile for me," I did as told.
1 hour later and the shoot was finished. I was exhausted but my day wasn't over. I was going to be a guest on the Jimmy Fallon show. He and Justin are good friends so hopefully, this would be a breeze.
I was on the way back to my apartment I had a little downtime before I needed to leave out again. I took this time to call my husband. I jumped in my bed and FaceTimed him. My little angels face popped up. My whole mood changed seeing her smile.
"Hey, baby!"
"Hey mommy I miss you," she says.
"Mommy misses you more," I tell her.
"Guess what?"
"I have a big girl room!"
"I know do you like it?"
"Yeah, I love it. It's pink and that's my favorite color,"
"I'm so glad that you like it! That means you won't be sleeping with mommy and daddy anymore," I tell her. She looked confused.
"No I still want to sleep with you guys," she says. I shook my head at her.
"You're a big girl now and you have to sleep in your big girl bed," I say.
"Okay I guess," she said.
"Where is Daddy?" I asked.
"He's using the potty," she said and I laugh.
"What's so funny?" She asked.
"Nothing baby," I say.
"I love you, Elisabeth,"
"I love you, mommy," my heart melted to hear her tell me she loves me and for her to call me mommy.
"When can I see you?" She asked.
"Whenever you want. Tell daddy to bring you to me,"
"I'm going to tell daddy because he misses you too," she smiled.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yup we go to the place where daddy sings and he sings a song about you. When we go to dinner at abuelas house he tells them how much he misses you. So, mommy, I asked him how come we can't see mommy? He said because sometimes people need time to miss each other and you were working," she fills me in on the information I missed.
"I miss daddy so much baby," I tell her.
"Well stop working so much then," she slapped her hand over her forehead. I laughed at her gesture.
"I can't baby, mommy needs money to buy you all the pretty things you like," I say.
"Oh okay well then don't stop working so much," she laughed.
"Who are you on the phone with little girl," I hear Justin voice in the background. My heart fluttered. Since I've been gone we haven't really talked much because of the time difference and our schedules.
"Mommy!" She said.
"Well tell mommy we have to call her later because we're going out on a daddy-daughter date," he said.
"You don't want to talk to mommy?" She asked confused.
"I can't right now I'll talk to her tonight," he tells her.
"Why? I want to talk to you now I miss you so much," I tell him. I could hear him sigh.
"I know baby I miss you too. I'll talk to you later." was all he said before the phone hung up. My heart dropped. Did he not want to talk to me? My feelings were beyond hurt. You would think he would want to talk to me because we haven't talked since Monday and it's Wednesday. I put my phone on the charger and ordered Postmates. I turned on "The Notebook" and got under the covers. Jay and Stella were out handling business while I was rested.

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