Everythings still good

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"I have a surprise for you!" Justin smiles at me. "Uh oh what do you have up your sleeve? I sit up in the bed. "I called in a few favors, out this on," he throws me a black hoodie and sweats. "Babe where are we going? It's  11:30," I look at my phone for the time.

"I wanted to do something special for you. Tori is spending the night with Grace to make sure everything is cool while we are gone," he throws a hoodie over his head with a beanie. I decided not to ask anymore questions and got out the bed and put everything on. Lord knows I was tired since the twins and Elisa decided to stay up all night tonight.

Justin and I head downstairs to see my sister coming in with a diaper bag and a duffel bag. "You two kids have fun," she jokes. We head out to the garage. "Which car baby girl?" He looks over at me. " We should ride top down tonight," I shrug. "Okay," he says grabbing the keys to the convertible. He opens my door and he goes around and gets in.

I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and play my love songs playlist. "I'll Make Love to You," by Boyz II Men came on, and Justin looks over at me and smirks. "What?" I laugh a little. "If you want to get pregnant tonight just say that," he rubs my inner thigh.

"Boy ain't nobody trying to have anymore of your kids. I'll fuck around and have another set of twins," I joke. "That's wouldn't be so bad," he smiles. "Are you carrying them?" I tilt my head to the side. "If I could I would," he rubs my cheek. "Pregnancy is no joke, I love our babies but idk if I would want to do it again," I tell him honestly.

"Listen, I am perfectly happy with our three children now. If you want to stop here I will support you. The only thing is you might want to get a hysterectomy though because my pull out game is weak," he smiles. I burst out laughing at him. "Why are you like this?" I turn to him smiling. "I know I can be 100% myself around you," he does a shy smile as he pays attention to the road.

I saw the Beverly Hills sign and scrunch up my face. "Babe what are we doing in Beverly Hills?" I ask him. "Your surprise is here," he responds. We turn down Rodeo drive and he parks the car. "Babe we can't park here," I look at him. "You just relax your pretty little head Bella. Everything is taken care of," he kisses my lips. I don't fight him on it because if he gets a ticket or the car is towed, it's in his name so he would pay for it.

Justin takes the keys out and gets out the car to open my door. The streets were pretty empty and it was so beautiful at night. Justin grabs my hands and leads me to the Hermès store. "Babe they are closed," I laugh. He pulls the door open gestures for me to walk in. I look at him and smile. There were two workers inside waiting for us.

"Babe, did you have Hermès stay open for me to shop in?" I turn and look at him. "Actually the whole entire Rodeo drive is open only for you tonight," he pulls me in by my waist. "Bro no way," I blush. "Get whatever you want and then after you finish we will eat at Il Pastaio," he kisses my forehead. I pucker my lips and look up at him. "You did all this for me?" I ask.

"Yeah, you've done so much for me in the past year and I'll forever be in debt," he smiles. I turn around and look at all of the different purses and shoes in front of me. I turn back around to him. "Anything I want?" I look at him. He smirks at me. "Ball out baby,"

I immediately made my way over to the shoes. "Do you have these in a size 8?" I ask the worker holding up a pair of red strapped heels. She nods her head and smiles as she walks to the back. I need a purse to match the shoes. I scan around the store until I see a perfect red bag that matched. "Baby, I'm ready," I tell him. He stands up and follows me to the register. He pays for the purse and shoes. "Thank you baby," I hold his hand as security handles my bags.

"Where to next?" He smiles. "YSL," I respond trying not to sound too excited. "I still can't believe you did this," I blush as we walk down the street. He holds on the door open for me and we enter inside the store. I pick out everything I want and Justin happily pays for them. "Babe I'm ready to eat now," I tell him. "There's no other stores you want to look at?" He asks. I think about it and decide to go into Cartier. "Let's get matching bracelets," I look inside of the jewelry case.

"Which one do you like?" He ask coming behind me and holding me. "I don't know I really love all of them," I shrug. "You want to get all of them?" He asks kissing my cheek. "No Justin, one is just fine. We just have to decide on which one. Which one do you like?" I ask him.

"The gold one matches perfect with your golden skin tone," he smiles. "Okay then that's the one we will get," I tell the worker. He smiles and take it out for us to try on. "Perfect," I smile. He wraps it up for us and we head out. I was getting sleepy. "You're such a grandma," he jokes wrapping his arm around my neck.

"I'm a mom with three kids," I chuckle. "The best mom with the best three kids and a husband who loves and adores you," he corrects me. "I love you more baby, let's go eat so we can get back home and cuddle," I pull him into me.

Once we were finished eating, we sneak back in the house. Elisa was in our bed half asleep. "Where were you guys?" She yawns rubbing her eyes. "We went out for a little bit. Where is aunt Tori?" Justin takes of his hoodie. "Her and Grace are in the guest room next to the twins room. She's sleep though," she explains.

"Can I sleep with you guys?" She asks. I knew Justin wasn't going to tell her no so I put my pjs on and slid in on my side of the bed. Elisa was in the middle of Justin and I. "Mommy can I sleep on your side, daddy snores kinda loud," she says and I chuckle. Justin was quite the snorer. "Come on pumpkin I bring her over to the other side of me. Justin comes out the bathroom and turns the lights of and climbs into bed with me. He wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you girls," he says.

"I love you more daddy," Elisa says. "I love you more baby," I press myself further into him. I could feel myself driftring off to sleep.I hear baby cries and slide out of my bed. Careful not to wake up Justin and Elisa. I head to the nursery and see that the twins were still fast asleep. The crying still continues. I shut their door and go down the hall to the guest room. Tori was up rocking a crying Grace. "You guys okay?" I whisper.

She looks up at me and sighs. "She won't stop crying," she continues rocking her. "Here let me help," I said taking her from her arms. I take my niece and lay her across my shoulder and pat her back. Immediately she begins passing gas. Both Tori and I chuckle. "She was just gassy," I whisper.

"You're so good at this," she tells me. "Thanks Tor, I'm still learning though," I hand her back over to her. "I'm so proud of you Bells, I mean it," she looks at me and settles down Grace. "It really means a lot to me," I walk over to the door. I decide to go downstairs and make some tea. Sometimes I like to take a little moment to myself to breathe.

I sit at the island and sip my tea. I hear footsteps coming down

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