chapter 44- stolen?

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sike for those who thought i wont continue this cuz im dead (killed by modules and sent to hell a.k a school)

anyhoes im still alive and im sincerely sorry for being on a hiatus :< i was really busy with school stuff.

anyhoes enjoyy this chapter~.

third person's pov.

as the girls finally finished practice they headed to the locker room, some taking their stuff and heading back to their dorm and some few decided to take a shower there.

the only people who was left there are none other than Kaira, Suiran, Hashiro and of course the spawn of satan we also call as Naomi.

there were only two bathroom stall so they had to take turns.

"Kaira nee we'll go first" hashiro said with a small smile as she dragged Suiran with her.

she was planning on taking a shower back at the dorms but hashiro convinced her to shower there then crash the dorm.

suiran looked back, feeling Naomi's stare at her, she grimaced at the bitchy smirk she saw.

rolling her eyes as they entered the shower area.

"hey~ you good?" hashiro said rubbing suiran's arms after seeing her mood.

"yeah just annoyed" she muttered as they both entered the stalls to take their bath.

it was quiet through most of the shower until kaira knocked on the stall. " yo hoes im heading to kakashi-ni to ask for schedule"

"yeah sure- PAFDJWNSOA"

"hashiro are you drowning?!"

"nah i accidentally inhaled wate- AFSDJSKJAK" and the gurgling slash coughing sound continued.

"yah you should've turn the water off first." kaira deadpanned shaking her head as she walked away.

after a few minutes of showering they wore their clothes before heading out as they patted their hair dry.

and as they entered the locker room the doors opened and in came a wailing motherfucke- i mean a wailing naomi with the principal and a school guard beside them.

the two idols stopped in their tracks staring back at the three in utter confusion. frozen.

"uhh.. hi?" hashiro said with a little wave of her hand.

a few students were watching from outside the open doors in sheer curiosity.

"do you need anything maam?" kaira said as she entered the room just in time.

"ah yes, you see my grand daughter lost her bracelet and-"

"what are you standing there for? search the whole damn place!"

suiran and hashiro winced at her high pitched bitchy voice. " why'd he have to search tho? haven't you searched here already?" kaira deadpanned at her.

"w-well- UGH JUST SEARCH IT!" she said in frustration to the guard.

the latter nodded in panic before looking around and under the chairs. "Stupid! search the lockers!" she said with a stomp of her feet.

the guard jolted in panic before heading to the lockers and opening one.

" this seems suspicious..." hashiro whispered to suiran.

suiran only squinted her eyes at the scene before her in curiosity.. i wonder what stunt she's trying to pull..

"wait maam isn't this an invasion of property? we should ask the members first if they're ok with this-" kaira interjected.

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