Chapter 8- catch.

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Third person's pov.

"Hold it!" Inomata said upon sliding the door open.

Akane curiously peeked from behind her. Sweat dropping at the scene.

"Nosebleed?" Inomata confusedly muttered upon seeing Yagi having a nosebleed as he poked kotaro's cheeks.

Why does this aura feel so familiar? Akane thought as she sweatdropped .

Walking inside, her instincts kicking in she quickly picked up kotaro, stepping a few steps away from yagi.

Yup, another one of mari's kind. A child obsessed person. She thought as she sweatdropped at them as kashima offered yagi some tissue.

"I was right. You really cant join this club tomoya" a guy appeared calling yagi by his first name as he stopped beside a confused inomata.

This guy... akane thought unable to take her eyes off of the black haired male. He was wearing an all too familiar scarf. His slightly curled locks covered his eyes.

"Are you yagi kun's friend?" Kashima asked politely .

"Im nezu from class A" he simply answered.

"A-ah! You mean the aloof-handsome-second-best-grades-in-his-class nezu?" Kashima asked in surprise.

Akane tuned out on their conversation as she kept thinking of the name. Nezu. It couldn't be. There's a lot of people who have the same name so it couldn't be.

As a child, before she was famous. she liked playing around the garden inside the morinomiya estate everytime she visited the mansion with her mother.

And every afternoon at exactly 2:30 pm a ravenette would sneak in the garden through a hole in the bushes just to play with her. He was her first .. I wouldn't say love. But, he was someone very dear to her.

Her first friend before she even met the members of ILONA.

And before she debuted as an idol, knowing she wouldn't be able to go back and play with him. She gave him a red scarf as a remembrance of her.

He couldn't be chuki-kun.. right?she thought as she stared at the guy intently.

Yeah, couldn't be. Im taller than him before. This guy's too tall to be chukichi she thought as she sighed.

"To be honest, you're too much of a child loving deviant to be a babysitter" nezu said.

Ryuiichi's face darkened in horror at his words . Quickly grabbing the kids to the corner were kotaro and akane stood.

"Hehe s-shiro come'ere" akane said as she picked up the girl as she glared at yagi.

"I-its not like that! I love kids the way normal people do!" Yagi kun said in defense.

He looked hurt by his friend's word but was nonetheless used to it.

"Normal people doesn't get nosebleeds from poking a child's cheek" nezu said blankly.

She stared at him and finally he noticed. His eyes widened a bit although it was unnoticeable. He didn't recognized her but he felt the same aura from when they were just kids.

Couldn't be her...she's too famous. If it was her then i would've caught on with the rumors by now...he thought conflicted by the way she looks to much alike someone.

"I-i just ate too much chocolate ok?" Yagi tried explaining.

"Dude, you don't get nosebleeds from chocolates." Akane said sweat dropping as nezu pulled his friend up.

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