chapter 38- grocery

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third person's pov.

suiran sighed feeling her stomach churn from his words.

that was enough for her to give in  immediately.. but her mind kept flashing back to that day.

to the weeks she endured with a heavy heart. to those nights where she cries herself to sleep.

those three days before leaving to tokyo, three days of waiting and waiting, thinking if maybe she wasn't enough.. and then the dissapointment when he didn't came.

her heart clenched remembering the pain. her eyes started to burn and water. her walls were wavering, hearing him sob softly against her.

knock knock knock.
(a/n: on my door).

"sui! you better not be making out with your ex when i come in there you hoe!" a muffled drunken voice from inomata was heard from the other side of the door.

"w-wait inomata-" ryuiichi's voice was then heard.

suiran smiled to herself before slowly removing hayato's arm around her. his voice audibly hitches at her action, choking on air.

he cough a bit before wrapping his arms around her waist once again refusing to let go.


"yato.. call me yato.. like before.." he murmured longingly.

she blinked her eyes looking at everything but the guy behind her. sighing, she mumbled. " yato.. go rest" she pushed him away slightly to which he dejectedly stood there.

he watched her head to her room, "let me court you again then." he said loudly which made her stop.

she put up an annoyed face before turning to him. " you don't have to.. im not going back-".

"i dont care." he said sternly. " im doing it wether you agree or not."

she scoffed lightly. he's making this hard for me.. why won't he just give up?. "do whatever the hell you want." she simply retorted before shutting the door behind her.

he stood there, a small smile crept up his face. "I'll do whatever the hell I'd have to.. to get you back" he mumbled to himself as the door finally opened revealing inomata and ryuiichi.

"you look crazy, talking to yourself like that" inomata mumbled with a giggle as ryuiichi deadpanned at her.

"yep, you need to rest" ryuiichi mumbled before guiding the wasted girl to her room.

ryuiichi shook his head at the two before heading to his room.

"KYAH! OH MY GOSH RYUI?! HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF KNOCKING?!" Suiran's voice was heard from her room making hayato jolt up from his bed.

conveniently slamming into the wood of the bed above him. he winced, cringing as he massaged his head.. there's bound to be a bump tommorow..

he stared at the door as it swung open, ryuiichi entering in a frenzy. face flushed not just from alcohol but from seeing sui in her black bra..

this is seriously the hundredth time I've seen that.. i should really learn how to knock. he thought to himself, chest heaving heavily.

ryuiichi's eyes traveled to hayato's glaring ones making the poor boy jolt. "i swear i really didn't saw anything" he said with a wavering smile as he quickly ran up to his bed. " goodnight!"

"are you guys serious right now?" inomata stared in disbelief.

"hmm?" sui and hashiro hummed innocently as they continued to grab more food .

"it's already filled! besides aren't these to much? i thought you said you guys are paying?" maria deadpanned at the two idols currently wearing mask and caps.

"should we get this or this?" hashiro asked, ignoring inomata's statement.

"just get them both" sui simply answered as she grabbed some chips.
"don't worry maria chan! we dont mind buying all the food-"

"yeah then the boys would have to do all the cleaning since we're the ones paying" hashiro piped in giggling as the two high fived.

maria smiled almost forgetting that this two were filthy rich"you guys have a point.. what about me then?" she asked pointing at herself.

"pay for this then?" hashiro suggested raising a box of pancakes. " you should also be the one to cook it! then we're all even right?" she said earning a nod and giggle from the other two girls.

inomata sighed with a hearty smile before agreeing to the younger girl.

"we should go pay now" sui suggested before pushing the cart to the counter.

beeps were heard as the cashier checked all their food. seeing the bags that were all getting loaded inomata elbowed sui to get her attention.

"owiee dude you could always just call me" the girl said rubbing her sides as she sweatdropped at inomata.

"i prefer making you scream tho." she simply said. " anyhoes go call hayato to take the guys here." she said making the girl gauge her eyeballs out.

"excuse fucking me?" she mumbled in disbelief... maria was the one who always told her to not get back with the dude.

she was one of those friends who would tell you to block your ex.

"you are excused" hashiro was heard from behind them.

"unless you want us to suffer carrying all those ten bags then yes you heard me right" inomata said deadpanning at her.


"just call him.. unless you haven't moved on-" inomata side glanced at her.

"fine fine! im calling the dude. chill" she said rolling her eyes at the giggling girl.

she opened her phone, unblocking his number, pressing the call button.

her stomach churned in nervousness as she gulped down her thickening throat.

the other line only rang once before it was already answered. " what the fu-".

"sui.. do you need me?"

"yeah, i need you." she mumbled soflty, almost sounding longingly  before her eyes met inomata's knowing gaze alongside shiro, she cleared her throat. " i-i need you to take the boys here.. we brought a lot of food supplies, inomata said to h-hurry up!" she ranted out before ending the call abruptly.

hashiro stared at her with a knwoing smile.

" what?"

"just get back together already you hoe!".


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