chapter 32- Coffee.

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Suiran's Pov.

it's already been a month of hard work.

i decided to bury myself into my harsh schedule so that i have all my attention full to make sure he doesn't cross my mind.

but the crucial part is actually when we're writing a song.

most of our songs revolve in life situation stuffs and mostly love, girlcrush concept kind of songs.

but when i was writing one... lets just say that im breaking our series of love songs with this song.

after all the dance practice, composing, recording, photoshoots and two sets of shooting for our music videos... yes that was such a hectic schedule but still we were able to complete it all.

the only thing left is to wait for the editing to finish and then wait for our music video to come up two weeks later.

i smiled at the cashier infront of me as i took my coffee from her before turning back.

"A-ano.." i turned back to her. " y-you're Soomin right?" she mumbled shyly with a flushed face.

i smiled widely at her before nodding.

she gasped and scrambled around looking for something." u-uhm if you don't mind could you sign this for me?" she mumbled shyly before handing me a notebook and a pen.

"sure!" i mumbled before taking it from her.

i headed to the table beside me, where a guy staring outside the window was already was a long table beside the glass window with chair stools.

i didn't bother to seat down, i just signed the notebook, leaving a small note for her.

i smiled as i finished.

"Kamitani san, we should hurry before practice starts" i heard from behind me.

i couldn't help but turn to look for whoever that guy was calling. My heart was pounding and i was getting nervous as i looked around, unconsciously pulling my face mask back up and my glasses back down.

i walked back to the cashier handing her notebook back before waving goodbye.

"yeah let's go senpai" i heard the guy from the table infront of the window said.

i stopped in my tracks having the urge to turn around to hug him.. I can't be mistaken... hayato's here..

i sighed as i felt my stomach churn before literally running out of the coffee shop and into our company's building just right across it.

i entered the elevator in shambles as i did my best to regain my breathing, calming my self.

" calm down.. it's just him.. it's j-just.. hayato.." i muttered to my self.

my heart automatically clenched and i felt tears pricking my eyes as i wiped them away immediately, sighing heavily.

the elevator Tinged as the door opened.

i headed out into the quiet hallway and into our dance room.

i giggled seeing Kakashi-ni's face. he is really dismayed."Suiran- san, didn't i tell you that you shouldn't go out without my permission?" he said raising his eyebrows.

i giggled before nodding my head, making our white haired manager sigh in disbelief.

"Sui come on and look! our teaser photo's were already uploaded" hashiro said in excitement as she waved her hand to me.

i only shrugged before taking my phone out to look at our company's insta update.

and there it was. i smiled, completely satisfied at the outcome.

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