chapter 30 - is this the end?

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third person's view.

she felt her breath hitch as her eyes started to water. everyone was staring despite the loud music. her palm felt numb from the impact it made unto his cheeks.

but it wasn't just her hands that felt numb.

her heart wasn't an exemption.

her stomach was churning as he stood there, face turned to the side as his hand rose to his cheeks in utter shock.

"i can't believe you.." she muttered out eyes glaring at him despite the hurt that was clearly seen in her eyes.

he shuddered, completely realising what he had just done under the influence of alcohol and also a slutty bitch named naomi.

before he could even snap out of his thoughts, his insides dropped seeing that suiran was already at the door opening it to leave.

it was graduation night and everyone was invited to Naomi's house for a huge farewell party. what's a party without drinking right?.

Sui begged him to go so that they could go have fun before they move to tokyo for college, he couldn't say no fully knowing that this will be her first graduation/farewell party.

he never left her side even when she asked him to dance with her earlier. they both drank a few drinks but after a few glass, hayato decided to sit down the sofa, watching his girlfriend dance with the other girls.

he had already drank a lot and so he felt the need to splash his face with water to ease the dizziness.

but one thing led to another and he found himself making out with girl who questionably dressed similarly to Suiran. he felt rather odd when he touched her waist knowing fully well what his girlfriend's waist felt like.

not to mention the lips.. it wasn't as sweet and addicting as her's.

but the alcohol masked it all.

the next thing he knew, kashima pulled him away after seeing his bestfriend's teary gaze.

that leads us to the moment where Suiran snapped at him, slapping him hard on the cheeks.

what was supposed to be one of the most memorable day of her life turned out to be the one she would most likely hate.

a big slam caused the students and also him to jolt.

he felt heavy inside as his stomach churned, the dizziness and the tipsiness from the alcohol complete gone as he ran across the room and out of the door.

please dont leave me, was the only thing that ran on his mind as he turned his head looking for her.

his heart beating widely as he gripped his hair panicking knowing that he fucked up real bad.

he ran around hoping to see her. he couldn't help but feel his heart break as the image of her disappointed, hurt eyes flash like a broken record inside his mind.

when he was sure that she took a cab instead of walking home, he decided to call her phone as he ran his way to the morinomiya estate.

"the number that you are dialling-"

"fuck it" he muttered as the recorded message kept on going as he called and called her.

but to no avail she didn't answer.

he felt frustrated at how stupid he was to do such a thing.

he panted upon arriving infront of the open gates. not taking a few seconds to breathe he rushed inside the mansion and into the front doors.

he stopped trying to collect himself as he breathed heavily. he was a mess but that wasn't even a problem.

he repeatedly pushed the doorbell in complete frenzy and when saikawa opened the door ,the man in a suit didn't even ask him anything he just moved aside to let the boy in.

he nodded to him in appreciation before making his way to her room.

"kamitani-san" saikawa called making the said boy stop.

"Sui seemed to be in a bad mood. be sure to cheer her up ok?" he said before turning away to make his way to the kitchen.

hayato couldn't help but sigh in guilt at his words as he stepped to where Suiran's room is. with every step his heart felt heavier. the guilt weighting him down.

as he stood infront of her room, he froze upon hearing sobbing from the inside before silence came.

i have to explain.. this cant stop here. I can't lose her. was was kept running in his mind as he gathered the courage to lift his hand into the doorknob.

but before he could even open it he froze as the door swung open revealing a frozen suiran, with red blotched eyes.

his heart dropped seeing her state and the hurt he has given her.

she felt her eyes watering once again as the scene earlier replayed in her mind and her heart ached once again.

tilting her head up to stop the tears as she looked away from him, swiftly wiping her tear stained cheeks.

taking a deep breath before mutteirng in a small voice. " what are you doing here?" she asked soflty, afraid to make her voice crack.

"S-sui please.. i didn't want that i-" he rambled, soflty carresing her shoulders.

his heart dropped when she scoffed, shaking his hands off her.

"you didn't want that? you were clearly making out earlier! h-how could you? am i not enough?" her voice cracked with every word that was laced with hurt as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

her expression broke him as much as he broke her.

"n-no angel you're more than enough.. p-please sui.. dont leave me" he muttered voice shaking as tears threatened to fall from his eyes .

pulling her into his arms as she kept shaking her head at his pleas. a sob escaped his lips as she pushed him away.

she almost gave in but she was far too hurt to even consider doing so.

being with him only made it worst.

"please leave" she muttered with hurt eyes as she stared back at his now red ones.

his heart dropped at her words. the words he never wanted to hear. his hands trailed from her arms into her hands, softly grabbing them as he fell on his knees before her.

he didn't care if he was throwing away his ego, all he cared about was not losing her as he held her hands to his face crying into it as he placed small kisses on her knuckles.

"p-please dont leave me.. I'm sorry. it won't happen again i promise! I'll do anything-" he kept saying as he kneeled infront of her.

her stomach was churning as she looked away from him, she didn't like seeing him like this.

softly removing her hands from his grip she muttered.

"p-please.. just leave me."

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