chapter 28- periodt.

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updating cause i just realized that we've reached 5k!? awee thank you guyss🤧♥️

Suiran's pov.

my knuckles are turning white as i gripped my pillow.

kamisama, what did i do to deserve this?.

period cramps are the worse. i sighed as i stared at the empty space beside me. shiro was sleeping next to kotaro. the two are seriously inseparable this summer, since they don't see the other toddlers every day.

im kinda happy that ryuiichi will be opening the daycare tomorrow. that way kotaro won't be lonely this summer, considering that me and shiro would be flying home to mom tommorow. but that only means I'll miss out all the fun.

not to mention, not being able to hang out with yato for the next few weeks!. ugh. this is seriously the worst.

and my effin period decided to visit me the day before our flight... great.

my eyes darted to the night stand as my phone lit up with a small beep. who the hell is texting me at 1 AM?.


i took my phone anyway, blinking my eyes at the brightness. and before i could even read the message, my phone turned dark and a ring tone played as someone called me.

seeing the caller's id i didn't think twice before immediately answering it.

"hey.. did i wake you?" a low voice said.

"yato? why are you still awake?" i said ,laying back down to grip my pillow as my cramps became more and more unbearable.

"shouldn't i be asking you that? you have a flight tommorow.. you should be sleeping." he nagged softly making me roll my eyes.

"baka~ you're the one who called me. even if i was sleeping you'd just wake me up anyway" i said in a whisper before it was followed by a yawn.

"baka. i knew you'd be awake... does it still hurt?" he asked to which i smiled before nodding. " yah we're on the phone," he said before sighing." you nodded, didn't you?" he asked making me giggle.

"yeah i did.."i answered before smiling.

he really knows me too well

"can you stand?" he asked me.

"duh. of course i can." i said sassily.

i can vividly see him shaking his head at my comment.i heard him chuckle before the call ended abruptly.rude.

as i was about to call him again so that i could scream at him for ending the call, ya know? typical period shits i do but i jolted at the sound of knocking.

"what the.." i murmured as i stared at the window beside my bed... no way....

i stared a little more before jolting again as a knock came once again.

"yah open it or I'll wreck it open" i heard yato murmured from the other side.

i felt my insides tingle in excitement and i couldn't help the smile that came on my face.

i quietly moved the curtains away finally seeing him. wearing one of his black hoodies and a baseball cap.

i didn't open the window tho. he stared at me waiting for me to open it but i only crossed my arms at him.

i saw his eyebrows crunched.

"yah, open it" he said barely audible but still i could hear and read his lips.

i shook my head before gesturing and pointing at my phone, indicating that im mad for him hanging up earlier.

he knows i hate it when he hangs up without goodbyes and i love you's.
he never forgets tho ...

he rolled his eyes playfully before shrugging. sighing he mouthed.. what do you want me to do? he asked knowing fully that he cant do anything about this since im on my worst week of the month.

i smiled evily before raising both my fist to my cheeks. wiggling my eyebrows at him, i saw his face contorted into a face of regrets as he realized what i wanted him to do.

he raised his hands crossing it before mouthing no.

i frowned at him before pouting and when he still didn't budge i took a hold of my window curtains slowly closing it.

"ugh fine" i heard him mumble making me pull the curtains back excitedly.

"go go!~" i chanted in a whisper as i rested my face onto my palms waiting for him to do it.

"chinguleul mannaneula shy shy shy~" he whispered.

"chinguleul mannaneula shy shy shy~" he whispered

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(hayato is tae)

after doing that he returned back to his blank face staring at sui as she died of laughter with a pillow to her face.

once she regained her sanity she wiped her tears away from too much laughing before finally pulling the windows open allowing hayato to climb in to her room sitting beside her.

with a small giggled she earned a soft flick to her forehead before feeling a plastic bag on top of her lap.

"eh?" she mumbled out as she felt him leave her bed and step out the window. "you're not staying?" she asked as she stared out the window infront of him.

he only chuckled at her cute behavior before ruffling her hair.

"goodnight sui" he mumbled before kissing her forehead.

she laid her head against the windowsill staring at him with a small pout. " are you sure you don't wanna stay? we wont see each other for a while.." she mumbled, trying to act irresistible so that he wont decline.

"you wouldn't want that.. besides you earn bruises quite easily today" he said referring to her having her period.

"huh? what do you-?" she mumbled before stopping as she felt his lips on hers.

kissing her softly for a short period of time before pulling away.

"goodnight sui... eat those ok?" he said referring to the snacks he bought for her .

ruffling her hair and kissing her cheeks for the last time before finally walking home.

she sighed dreamily before closing her window and taking the snacks on her bed.

"i wonder what he meant by me brusing-" she thought to herself before images from that day on the beach and that one heated moment inside the premises of his room entered her mind " ....oh."


am i the only one who's falling for taki from iland? just me? OK HAHAHA.

also i should listen to bang chan and stop procrastinating so much.. seriously.

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