Chapter nine - date?

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Akane suiran's pov.

"Itai!" I jolted when he accidentally wrapped the band aid a bit too tight.

It was only the two of us inside the classroom and since i refused to go to the infirmary we decided to use our class' first aid kit.

I sat on the table, legs crossed while he stood in front of me attending to my bruising palm.

"Does it hurt bad?" He asked blankly to which i shook my head even tho it's starting to hurt pretty bad.

"Sorry. I lost focus and ended up hitting the ball harshly..." he said in a apologetic look as he continued to wrap my palm.

"It's fine.. what got you to lose your focus tho?" I asked him as he finished up.

"You" he thought but instead shook his head.

"Nothing important." He said as he took the kit taking it back to the drawers.

I hopped down from the table to take my bag and the boxes that had the cupcakes and usaida-san's bento box

I struggled a bit tho since my bruising hand were practically being a fucking sourpuss.

"Lets go?" I asked him with a smile when he came close.

He nodded and before turning around he took my bag away from me slinging it over his shoulder before grabbing my arm, pulling me away.

How the hell can he be so fvcking cool then hot but also fvcking respectful?

That's kinda unfair.

It's already been a month since i came to this school and so far no one recognize me as the famous Soomin of ILONA.

The internet is still in a crack since we disbanded and im kinda jealous when i found out that mari and hashiro decided to take classes abroad.

They get to keep their blonde hair... lucky bijes.

Aoi and kaira tho weren't that lucky when it came to the 'stay low' part. They usually had black hair when we perform so needless to say , they got popular at their school real quick.

"Shhh~" i said quietly as i stopped kamitani from entering the daycare.

He looked at me confusedly as i tiptoed through the window ( sorry i just had to) of the sliding door.

I smiled, eyes sparkling as i saw inomata smile and blushed as she played with the kids along side kashima.

"Neh kamitani~" i said smiling to which he stared at me .

"Hmm?" He asked plainly as he tucked his hand inside the pockets of his baseball uniform.

He looks hot in it...

I should really stop thinking this kind of things.

"Do you still have baseball practice?" I asked him to which he shook his head.

"We're already finished when the ball almost hit you" he said shrugging.

"Then lets go to the mall with taka kun and shiro ok?" I said still in a whisper as i excitedly giggled before sliding the door.

She wouldn't take no for an answer.

"We're back~" i said as i opened the door.

"Cupcakessss!!" The kids yelled before jumping on me.

I almost stumbled backward but luckily kamitani was there to stop my fall.

"Hehe thankss~" i said before crouching down to distribute the cupcakes to the kids.

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