Chapter 21

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Akane's pov.

"Off to practice, sui chan?" Maria asked as she took the cookies off the tray.

I nodded with a smile as i took my bag.

"Yep! The game is nearing so i really have to stop slacking off." I said with a giggle,shrugging as i waved goodbye.

"Sweety, you literally got it perfect on your first try.. what part were you slacking off?" Inomata said shaking her head before handing me the cookies she made. " besides, are you sure you dont wanna leave the cooking club? You're already on the babysitter club and now you're also joining the cheerleading team" she said with a worried face.

"Nope.. no no." I said shaking my head at her nagging, " i like this club, and besides,the cheerleading team is only for the upcoming baseball game." I said with a shrug. "Andd~ You take that to the kids yourself" i said pushing the cookies back to her.

"No this time you really have to.. i have to go home early today." She said with a small smile.

I sighed before smiling and taking the cookies, im heading there before practice anyways.

Apparently the baseball game next week was between our school and that fancy school we were rivals with.

And every year there's like this little competition.. it's not really a competition but in the eyes of the students it's something like that.

So when break came ofcourse that's when the cheerleaders comes to show off and stuff. And apparently the cheerleading team of the other school were very well trained and has always had the best performance to cheer on their school.

That's where grandma had her idea.. of why not letting ILONA fucking perform. At first it was a big no no. But then she explained that it would be good to show my real identity so that my dad wont have anything to threaten me with anymore. And so that people at school could accept me for who i am since ive been here long enough anyways.

The cheerleading team the school had last year actually doesnt have any member anymore since they were apparently embarrassed to join again.

That's why we had to practice in secret so that the students wouldn't go crazy upon seeing ilona practicing somewhere in school. Only inomata was the one who had seen us practice since I introduced her to my four friends. And i dont know why im not even surprise that she doesn't recognize any of us at all.. she was too busy practicing.

Mari and the three soften to her immediately after knowing that she wasn't a crazy fan or something.. and knowing that she'd treat them like normal persons instead of a group of popstars, made the four of them like her even more.

And surprisingly inomata softened up quite easily to the older girls.

I walked to the daycare only to cross the same place were hatake kun confessed to me. Under that three.

But it wasn't empty today like everyday.. under the three was a girl and.. hayato kun?

Isn't that naomi?

I know I shouldn't eavesdrop and that i should just leave them be but... it's like I couldn't move.

I watched them talk.. im not eavesdropping right? I cant hear them anyway. I watched closely as they talked. She blushed a lot.

I almost jolted when i heard a few student walk past behind me. I closed my eyes, shaking my head, giggling quietly a bit because of my actions. Now im jumpy, i really shouldn't be spying on my bestfriend just because i have a crush on him right-?


Shit. They're kissing.

This is why I shouldn't snoop into somebody's business.. and this is why I shouldn't get my hopes up... it hurts.

I felt my heart shatter.. my lips trembled a bit making me bite on to it to make sure i dont make a sound.

I turned away feeling a stray tear nearing its fall from my eyes, i lift my head up to stop it from falling but i almost jolted when i heard chukichi call me from a far.

"RANNN!" He said loudly as he approached me from behind me.

Meaning that he came from hayato's side, approaching me.

"O-oh hey.." i said quickly wiping my tears away.

He stopped for a moment,confused as to why i was crying and when he saw where hayato was standing with the girl, he quickly took my hand.

"AKANE SUIRAN, I LIKE YOU A LOT" he said loudly making a few student stop to stare.


Students stopped upon hearing Chukichi nezu's booming voice.

A few girls stared in complete envy the same goes for the boys.

But one guy in particular stared. His emotions were all around the place as he stared at akane's face. Did she saw us? He thought.

He felt this gnawing feeling on the pit of his stomach and his heart aches as he saw her smile and giggle infront of the boy.

Is she going to say yes? He thought dreadfully.

"See, i told you she likes someone else.. just go out with me already~"naomi said as she held onto his arm.

He shook her away harshly making her fall to the ground. The only reason he came there was because she told him akane was going to be there.

"I swear.. if i find out that she saw what happened." He said glaring down at her. "You'll regret it." He said making the girl shiver in fear.

He contemplated for a bit but he couldn't stop himself from walking to the two as he watch him reach for her face.

"Sui." He said upon standing infront of the two.

Chukichi sighed before turning to hayato as suiran looked away. She couldn't bear to look at him after what she saw earlier.

"W-what?" She muttered.

"W-what you saw.. it's not like that-" he tried explaining.

"I know." She said still not looking."you dont have to explain.. it's not like we're going out or something." She said finally mustering up the courage to look up to him.

"Go kiss whoever you want, i dont mind" she said with the nicest smile she could muster up. But it only looked bitter.

His heart shattered, he knew she was lying. He could see right through her. He bit his lip and his eyebrow scrunched up." You're lying." He muttered making her stare at him .

"Im not." She said looking away." Just go away" she said turning away from them to walk away from the situation.

She knew she won't be able to hold her tears if she stayed.

She already said no to chukichi earlier with a giggle. They both laughed earlier at his little confession claiming that it was just a joke. Little did she know that he actually meant it. He just wanted to make her laugh since he knew.... she liked hayato.

She flinched feeling someone suddenly grabbed her arm, throwing her like a sack on his shoulder before walking away with her trashing.

"Hayato! Put me down!" She said wiggling and punching his back.


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