Chapter eleven- more like a friend

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Suiran's pov.

"Akane-san? Could you go to the boys and tell them that sensei would be a tad bit late?" One of my classmates asked to which i smiled nodding.

Poor boys.

They have PE this morning outside while us girls are practicing a group performance indoors here at the gym.

Since we wont be running outside this morning, sensei decided that we should perform traditional performances from asian countries since it would be a good way to learn their culture this way.

Sensei would be tending to the boys so the performance would be held at lunch break since we would have free time for the rest of the day because of a meeting apparently.

This school holds a lot of meetings -.-

I opened the door to outside the gym and trembled immediately at the coldness.

Lucky that i forgot to bring my shorts.. sensei allowed me to use our jogging pants instead.

The boys sure are unlucky. It's freezing and yet they have to wear shorts today..

Eh? What the hell is happening?

The kids are running around and the boys are chasing them..Eh?

"Yah! You're scaring them." I said sternly as i arrived to which they thankfully stopped.

"Thank you akane .. usaida san wouldn't help me." Ryuichi said sweatdropping as usaida stood there with a lazy smile." Yo! Akane" he said with a wave.

Sweatdropping i smiled and waved back.

"Onee-chamaa~" shiro cheered as they all huddled to me with taka climbing on my back.

"Hehe~ so warm" no wonder the boys were trying to get one.

"Taka get down.. you're heavy" hayato said before grabbing taka by his shirt and putting him down.

"Eh? Where's takuma?" I asked as i looked at the kids.

Yup takuma's definitely not here.

"Eh?! A prowler!?"i turned to where ryuiichi is looking.

He quickly placed kotaro in my arms before rushing to take takuma who was being held by a man wearing glasses and a face mask.

He seemed oddly familiar tho...

"Taka stand back." I heard hayato said before grabbing his shoes and tossing it hardly at the man.


That was facking cool...

"*whistle* Nice throw hayato" i said with a thumbs up as i lead the kids to where Ryuiichi is.

"Takuma? Do you know this guy?" I heard him asked the cheery child.

"Hmm! Its me and kazuma's papa!" He said with a cheer making us all jolt.


"L-lets take him to the daycare~" i said sweatdropping as i helped usaida pick the kids up placing them into their cart.

Sensei came and upon seeing the situation,allowed us to help out before coming back to class.

We arrived at the daycare.

"Eh? Mamizuka Kousuke-san?" I blurted out upon him taking his disguise off and sitting up.

No wonder mamizuka sensei looked familiar.. i think i saw her at the studio one time or something.

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