chapter 27 - neko?

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third person's pov.

suiran sighed slowly as her eyes closed relaxingly. she had already done her laundry yesterday so she decided to keep ryuiichi company whilst he hung his and kotaro's clothes.

she continued laying down the fluffy grass, inhaling the sweet scent of the garden. she felt the warmth of the sun against her exposed legs as she wore her dolphin shorts and another one of hayato's stolen shirt.

shiro and kotaro were both busy looking for different kinds of bugs until they both stumbled upon a line of marching ants.

suiran's relaxing moment was cut off when shiro suddenly shook her causing her eyes to open up abruptly.

"nichama! neko!" shiro kept saying as she pointed at the back of the garden.

both suiran and ryuiichi looked at each other in utter confusion as they only looked at the two kids who kept saying that there's a cat.

and after following the two toddlers, or more like kotaro literally dragging ryuiichi there, they saw a kid who seemed to be stuck in a bush...

sui stood there frozen as she stared. the scene felt too nostalgic, it felt like time turn back to when she was a kid.

"chuki.." she muttured before smiling to herself.

this was exactly how she met her childhood bestfriend..

"eh? neko?" suiran mumbled out as she finally found where the shuffling noises were coming from.

she was spending the time on her grandma's garden enjoying the snow covered garden. she was warming up her voice for the Christmas dinner later but her singing stopped when she heard shuffling noises from behind the bushes and trees.

"im not a cat.." the little boy murmured as he looked away from her.

he shuffled around trying to get out but to no avail he was still stuck.

"you're stuck aren't you?" she said as she sat infront of him, watching in amusement.

"i-im not.. i just like staying here" he said, pouting his lips as he looked away from embarrassment .

she couldn't figure out if the redness of his cheeks and nose was from his embarrassment or the fact that he was wearing such thin clothes despite the snowy weather.

"yeah sure.." she said with a small smirk as she looked at his position." you are definitely stuck" she mumbled quietly.

"why are you even there? this is trespassing you know?" she said with a giggle as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"its j-just that.. i heard singing.. it was beautiful.. i wanted to listen more." he muttered out before finally looking at her.

she stared with a blushing face, dumbfounded.

"you're blushing" he said poking her cheeks with a small smile.

"w-well! so are you!" she screamed pointing back.

"that's be because im cold silly" he  chuckled at her to which she pouted before standing up, removing the bright red scarf that she worked hard on.

she wrapped it around him to which he only stared at her in shock. " i knitted this myself.. so make sure to take good care of it ok?" she said.

and when he didn't answer, she flicked his forehead hard making him snap out of his thoughts, nodding vigorously.

she giggled brushing his hair off his eyes before grabbing his hands and with a strong pull, she managed to pull him out, stumbling back into the icy garden floor, with him on top of her.

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