Chapter 18 - take her home.

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Third person's view.

Hayato ran quickly inside the daycare. He hesitated on going inside earlier upon seeing the lights off. But it's worth the shot.

He opened the door sliding it, stepping inside, he breathed heavily, he looked around until he spotted a trembling figure, sitting on the corner of the room.

He could hear her whimper as a few explosions came from outside. She jolts every time a popping sound loudly came.

Her mind was too preoccupied with the memories and all she could hear was the explosions and her increasing heartbeat. She knows for sure that she'll faint anytime now if this continues.

Her eyes were closed shut as tears fell from it.

Hayato's face softens seeing her in a vulnerable state. He crouched down, kneeling in front of her, engulfing her in a soft but tight hug, caressing her hair to soothe her.

"Y-yato?" She muttered out finally snapping out from her traumatic trance.

"It's ok.. calm down, I'm here," he said pulling her close to which she sniffed before breaking down again.

"I-im so scared .. i- I don't want to-" she bawled her eyes out feeling her heart clenched.

"Shh it's going to be ok, I got you," he said softly.

pulling her body, he held onto her as he shuffled around to rest his back on the wall with her between his legs.

She was confused, to say the least. He's here. Was this a hallucination Because of her trauma attack?. But what kept her thinking was how her breathing became calm just like her heart that was pounding so hard earlier. She shifts a bit for a more comfy position, humming a bit as she finally came to a calmer state.

Tired from the events that happened earlier she closed her eyes drifting off to sleep.

Hayato stared at her peaceful face in awe, he felt lucky to be able to stare at her up close. He couldn't move away, he was drawn to her.. Slowly his face grew closer to hers and for the second time tonight, he stole a kiss from her.

He sighed, smiling sheepishly at the thought of him falling for someone like this. His eyes traveled to her exposed legs to which he blushed furiously. He looked away, shaking his head before slowly wrapping his arm around her body and under her thighs, carrying her up.

I should take her out, they're probably worried to death, he thought as he walked out of the daycare and into the bonfire place.

It was quiet and some of the students had already gone home. Hayato was fortunate enough that the teachers and the kids had already gathered in front of the bonfire when he arrived.

"nee-chan!" Shiro yelled with tears on her cheeks, running up to Hayato.

He crouched down so Shiro could hug her sister. Shiro gave Sui a big hug that almost jolted the sleeping girl awake. Kamitani sensei gave a shh sign to Shiro indicating her to be quiet.

The kids gathered around them, sighing in relief once seeing Suiran in a good state.

"Kamitani nichan! Thank you" Shiro said shyly looking down to the ground

Kamitani only nodded at her in response to which she smiled.

"My niichan is cool!" Taka said raising his hands up.

"I think we should take her home now, thank you for finding her kamitani-san," Ryuuichi said crouching down with his hands out.

Kamitani only stared at him, involuntarily wrapping his arms tighter around her sleeping stature in a protective manner.

An awkward minute passed with Hayato not willing to give Suiran to Ryuichi and his mom giggling ever so quietly at her son's actions.

"stupid son if you don't give her, might as well carry her home with us" kamitani sensei spouted out with a small giggle making kamitani flinch out of his trance.

"Sorry... I'll carry her home." he said blankly standing up.

"eh?" Ryuichi spouted in a blank confused state as well as the teachers and the kids.

"that's my son" kamitani sensei whispered yelled to her colleagues with a mischievous smile and a wink.

"s-stupid... What do you mean you're taking her home?" usaida said with a sweatshop and a smile whilst bumping his elbow on Hayato's side.

He stared blankly confused at them before realizing what he actually said.


" I meant I'll help him so that he wouldn't have to carry her," he said looking to the side with a blush on his cheeks.

Something that kamitani sensei didn't think she'll ever see.

"Oh.. Ok? We'll be taking our leave then, "Ryuichi politely said before ushering Kotaro and shiro to follow him.

"mama I'll walk with kotaro and shiro" taka said before running up to shiro and kotaro.

And after stating their goodbyes, they called it a night.

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