[After story° 1]

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5 years later

the crowd cheered as suiran entered the field. she was invited to do the first pitch of the game.

she couldn't have been more excited seeing her boyfriend standing there with his bat.

waving at the crowd around her, the cheers continued to roar around the arena.

after college suiran continued her career as an artist whilst hayato was now apart of japan's baseball league!.

after graduation they both moved in their own simple flat, it wasn't anything extravagant. just right for the two of them.

their free time was mostly spent together, inseperable they truly were.

"but I don't wanna watch that!" sui argued, her pigtails moving around, glasses sliding down her nose.

"shh" he simply said eyes trained on the screen, his arms earlier wrapped around her waist was now holding tightly on her mouth to keep her shut. "it's starting"

the tv was the only thing illuminating the two, the whole flat was dark deeming it perfect for their movie night.

a soft chuckle left his lips as 7 year old suiran appeared on the wide screen, huffing her cheeks.

sui evidently froze, her face blushing up to the tips of her ears in embarrassment as her movie played.

"you really had to pick this movie" she mumbled halfway through the movie.

she was now cuddling him, his arm wrapped around her to pull her close. he loves stuffing his face into her hair, she was intoxicating.

he hummed in response before placing a kiss on top of her head.



"yeah no no no" she quickly said, bumping her hips to his as a sign for him to leave the kitchen.

"what?" he asked innocently.

"you're suppose to remove the plastic before cooking them hun" she said sweat dropping as she showed him the unpeeled plastic of the hotdogs.




"do you have to be so rough?" she asked

he only hummed before rubbing the towel unto her hair softer, attempting to dry it.

she looked up to him, smiling after seeing his scrunched eyebrows in concentration.

noticing her gaze, a small smile grazed his lips before he leant down to peck her lips.



"yah baka yato, you forgot this"

hayato jolted when suiran appeared in their locker room. they had a water break, just in time that he finally realized that he left his lunch.

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