chapter 33- dorm buddies.

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me deciding to challenge myself yo update every single day is..😵

looks like I'll be having darker eyebags..

Suiran' pov.

"are you sure you don't wanna stay here?" shiro asked me with a sad look on her face.

I sighed sadly before crouching down to ruffle the seven year old's hair,chuckling.

"I'm sorry hun, it's really more convenient for your sister to live in the school dorms." mom said assuring her.

i giggled at her before pinching her cheeks. " i promise to visit you whenever i can ok?" i mumbled before engulfing her in a tight hug.

"besides~ i promised you a surprise... wait for it later ok?" i said winking at her.

her eyes sparkled in delight before nodding vigorously.

i stood up satisfied before saying farewell to my mom. college is an hour  away from home that's why i had to live in a dorm.

i waved one last time before entering the van where Kaira nee and the others are already in.

i closed the door and smiled at kaira nee before turning to look at hashiro and Mari's sleeping figure.

"where's Aoi?" i asked as Kakashi-ni started driving away.

"she's already at her dorm, she said she needed to arrange her clothes for tonight" she answered.

i nodded understanding, before plugging my earphones in and blasting some of our songs.

it was a little habit i had before concerts, so that i wouldn't mess up anything.

you can say that im much of the perfectionist.

" you guys are seriously not helping us find our way to our dorms?!" hashiro exhaled as she panickedly stared at mari and Kaira's smiling faces.

"well duh, we have to head to ours so that we can prepare our clothes for tonight" Mari said waving goodbye at us.

"kaira nee? you too?!" i shouted seeing her leave us alongside mari.

"yeah! i have to fix my notes and clean my dusty room! goodluck kiddos!" she screamed back as they dissapeared into the distance.

me and hashiro looked at each other before face palming in annoyance.

"kakashi-ni! you'll help us.. right?" hashiro asked hopefully.

we both shared a knowing look before flashing our 25 year old manager our famous puppy eyes.

"yeahhh... no. sorry kiddos, i have to arrange your schedules and sign you guys in" he said before literally running away from us.

the both of us scoffed in disbelief. i turned to look at her and she stared back.

a knowing smirk came into our faces.

"last one to find their dorm treats the other with bubble tea?" i asked to which she nodded before running away into the large building.

i giggled seeing her enter the university's main building. " idiot, the dorm building is the other way" i mutter to myself in amusement as i turned around to head to the dorm building where i saw Mari and Kaira nee head into earlier.

"no way.." i mumbled as soon as i entered my dorm room.

"MARIA CHAN!!" i screamed in delight before pouncing on the said girl whose calmly seated down the sofa.

she giggled upon seeing me before heaving a sigh of relief. " atleast im living with someone i knew." she mumbled with a smile.

i stood up before linking my arms with hers. "has the others arrived yet?" i asked her about our remaining four roommates.

she nodded her head as we entered the girl's room.

yes. the girl's room. a whole dorm house consisted two rooms, a bathroom, a small living room and a small kitchen.

basically we'll be living with three boys and another girl.

our principal claims that we should be old enough to be responsible for our actions and that there should be nothing wrong with a boy and a girl living under one roof ... yeah.

"two of the boys already arrived earlier.. only one girl left" she said as i placed my bags down.

there was a single bed and a bunk bed.

"oh wait i have to send a picture to our group chat" i mumbled remembering the bet.

i quickly took a photo with maria before sending it to the group.

"i watched your music videos" maria said with a smile as she exited the room.

i followed her outside with a smile as we plopped down the sofa.

" am i hot or am i hot?" i joked to which she only laughed shaking her head at me.

"i guess that'll be enough to make kamitani regret letting you go" she said with an annoyed Expression.

i smiled softly at the mention of his name. seeing my expression, she immediately softened up before ruffling my hair.

this gave me flashback.. he also ruffled my hair all the time...

"don't you dare be sad or else-" inomata mumbled before she was cut off by the door opening.

"eh?!" we both turned to hashiro, heaving heavily. " we're roommates?!" she annoyingly said as she tries to catch her breath.

inomata and i giggled at her as she entered the door with her luggage trailing behind her.

"yeah, and you owe me bubble tea before our concert later ok?" i said teasingly to which she clicked her tounge in annoyance before flopping down the sofa... on top of us.

"ew you're sweaty." i said in fake disgust before pushing her to the carpeted floor.

"yeah, and it's your fault" she muttered. " anyways.. wanna help us inomata san?" she asked her with a smile.

"sure.. with what tho?" she asked shyly.

"we have a concert later.. and we get to pick our clothes-"

"yeah no.. i have no sense when it comes to fashion" Maria said deadpanning as she stood up leaving the both of us.

the both of us laughed at her.

"let's go?" hashiro asked finally regaining her breath.

i nodded and just as we stood up. the door opened revealing three boys who we would have to spend our college lives with.

my jaw dropped and im pretty sure my eyes are ready to leave my eye socket.

you have got to be kidding me..


wonder who~??

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