chapter 41- leftovers

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yes hoes im still alive.

i was busy the other days thus not being able to update.. im sorrehh.

third person's pov.

the door opened making the two jolt, suiran stepping away instantaneously.

"we're back!" taki shouted as he entered the door.

"what do you mean by we?" suiran asked curiously until another guy entered the room alongside a girl who she never thought she'd ever see again.

sui grumbled lowly feeling anger boiling up to her head as she visibly scoffed in disbelief.

"oh my~ i didn't think you'd be here hayato-kun" her sickening sweet voice rung into the dance room. " oh! Sui-chan you're here too? what a coincidence!" she fakely gasped making taki cringe.

a few minutes ago before practice their professor asked him to come and take two student's to the dance room.

"naomi." sui said venom almost dripping off her word as she offered the girl a blank uninterested gaze. " please dont call me sui.. I'd rather you call me akane since we're not that close anyway" she said eyeing the girl down.

" oh come on sui~ it's not my fault i got kissed by your boyfriend- oh right. you broke up right?" she giggled. " no hard feelings right? akane-san" she sweetly said.

suiran's heart clenched at the memory.

what am i even doing.. allowing myself to fall for him, giving him another chance? I'm so stupid..

suiran scoffed out smiling almost bitterly as her gaze fell unto hayato's blank face. "yeah, sure. no hard feelings" she said sweetly making hayato turn to her. "just an advice tho" she said with the sweetest smile.

stepping closer to the said girl."you should try to stop copying me- i mean I don't blame you, i know a lot of people wants to copy me" she said making naomi scoff.

taki awkwardly laugh to ease the tense atmosphere "oh! Sui, i bought you coffee." he said handing her the coffee from the coffee shop the two of them would go to when they had sleepless nights.

considering taki and sui's line of job they regained their loss friendship by buying coffee and spending sleepless nights on work.

"thanks~" she smiled for real this time making taki breathe out a sigh of relief.

sui sipped on her cold coffee before turning to naomi noticing her annoyed stare at her.

"you want some?" she offered with a smile.

naomi scoffed. " why would i-"

"i figured since you like my leftovers.. maybe you'd want this too right?" she said smiling.

she heard taki's snickers as he tried his best to stop himself from laughing at her remarks.

she stared at naomi, it was amusing to see her face redden in annoyance.

"ugh! I'm leaving!" she bursted before slamming the door behind her.

and with that, taki finally released his laugh, clutching his stomach as he bursted out laughing.

her eyes turned to the guy beside taki who started laughing underneath his mask.

"oh, can we help you with anything?" she nicely said turning to him.

he was as tall as hayato was, making her look up to him considering her small stature.

"oh right!" he said before pulling his mask down. "I haven't been able to attend any classes that much so professor han asked me to prepare a performance with you, soomin-san" he explained rubbing his nape with an embarrassed smile.

taki and suiran nodded their head slowly, understanding his situation.

kamitani only stood there, finally calming down after trying so hard not to snap at naomi earlier. even though the girl tricked him.. he knows that he's still in the wrong.

"have i seen you before?" sui mumbled, thumb and point finger on her chin as she stared at the guy infront of her.

he was fairly attractive to be honest making hayato stare at the two. unconsciously stepping a bit closer behind sui in a protective manner.

its weird to say the least.. she was being protected by the one who brought her pain.


"do you mind if we practiced first?" kamitani interjected, wrapping his arm around suiran's shoulders, dragging her away.

sui rolled her eyes, feeling the hatred come back as she shook his arm away before taking her stance.

"yeah sure" the guy mumbled awkwardly as he stepped to the side.

"senpai let's go" he called out to taki to which the actor run up to them.

"my gosh ew ew!" sui cringed stepping away from taki as the actor only laughed at her.

a step in the dance included her doing a body roll infront of him with his hand on her hips. and upon trying to do it they accidentally bumped noses making sui step a step away from him.

she held onto his shirt laughing at their stupidity, both ignoring the fact that his hand was still gripping her hips.

"let's take a break" kamitani said before throwing his arm around his senpai, dragging him to where their water bottles were.

suiran followed the two, taking her coffee as she flopped down beside the guy who's watching the performance given to them on his phone.

suiran kept staring at him, trying to figure our where she has seen the guy, squinting her eyes and unconsciously her tongue kept poking on her cheeks.

"sui you'll melt him if you dont stop"

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