Chapter two- shabby

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Hi guyss i just wanted to say thank you for supporting my promised neverland fanfiction and i hope you guys will like this story too.

Oh and i was also planning to make a Toilet bound hanako-kun fanfiction after completing this book.

I was planning it to be a teru minamoto fanfic sooo please support this fanfiction!
Thank youuu~

Suiran's pov.

"You really remind me of someone akane-chan" kashima stated as we continued to talk.

I nervously laughed at his statement as he stared at the ceiling of the car his hand resting on his chin as he continued to think.

My eyes wandered to kotaro and shiro as they sat between us at the back pf the car.
I didn't want to ride at the passenger seat and ryuuichi cant seat there either with kotaro wanting to sit beside him so we ended up seating with the kids behind.

Saikawa didn't mind at all as he drove the car through the highway passing a few billboards.

My eyes widened im shock causing me to hiccup as we pass another billboard with MY face on it.

I still had my red long hair in that photo ... i was even wearing my blue contacts.

I side looked at kashima sighing in relief that he didn't saw the billboard.

"Nee-chan! Water!" Kotaro said to ryuuichi to which he looked around the car's compartments for a water bottle.

I continued to hiccup as we drove past another billboard of my bandmates yet again...ILONA.

"Sui-nee- chan!" I stared down at kotaro as he held a water bottle up to me.

Gahhh My heart *^*.

I smiled at him hiccuping a bit before accepting it with a thank you before carefully opening it to drink it.

"Nee-chan? All better?" I smiled at shiro's question as she looked concerned at me.

I nodded smiling as i closed the bottle.

"Yep.. thank you kotaro you're so sweet!" I said pinching his cheeks lightly.

"Ung!" He responded with a nod to which i giggled.

"You have such a sweet brother kashima-kun" i said giggling a bit.

"Yeah.. kotaro maybe a tad bit quiet but he cares a lot." He said ruffling kotaro's hair.

"Kotaro? Wanna lishen?" Shiro asked him as she offered on of the earphones to kotaro.

"Ung!" He nodded eyes sparkling as he accepted the earphone placing it inside his ears.

It kinda slipped off since he didn't actually know how to properly do it.

"Here lemme help you" i said taking the earphone and gently popping it in his ears.

His eyes started to sparkle as shiro played the song . Their heads were against each other side by side as they watched the video on my phone's screen.


M-my phone!?

"Oh? You like ILONA too? kotaro loves listening to a few of their songs" he said to me to which i just giggled nervously .

"Y-yeah im quite the fan." I said scrAtching the back of my head.

I heard saikawa snicker a bit as he tried to stop his chuckles.

Im glad that ryuuichi is the 'clueless' type of person or else im doomed.

"Nee-chan!" We both stared at shiro as she pointed at the phone screen showing it to kotaro

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