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Mavericks first birthday is right around the corner. You and Demi had been planning since the tour had ended. Turns out Scooter and her team were awesome about it. You all had traveled to ten major cities, with two shows per city. Maverick had honestly loved every second of it. His first words were spoken on tour. More like a yell. "MA-ME" You could still remember when he was yelling for Demi before she walked out on stage. You were in the dressing room and you two were trying to get him to walk. He fell down and started pouting. So Demi made a funny face and said his name. He started laughing and then yelled for "MA-ME!" You we're both speechless. It was literally the cutest thing. He learned to walk on tour. Hell more like run. At the same show you and Maverick were side stage watching your beautiful wife. When Maverick started whining you thought he only wanted to stand up. So you set down with him while he began standing and dancing around like cute boys do. You seen Demi glance your way and wave. You showed Maverick that his mommy was waving at him and before you knew it his little one year old legs were taking right out on stage with his mommy! Since you were setting down you couldn't catch him quick enough and Demi just waved you off.

"Well guys, looks like Baby Mav learned to walk!" She said causing the audience to laugh. "How bout we sing the song I wrote for him huh? What'd you think baby?" She asked your son. His only response was a nod and laying his head on her shoulder while playing with her hair. "I guess that's a yes!" She said. The music started playing as she motioned you out and you sat on the chair she had out for her. Demi and Maverick began swaying as her voice filled the arena.

Sometimes it feels like, I'm gonna break
Sometimes this world, gives more than I can take
Sometimes, sunshine gets lost in the rain
And it keeps pouring down
It just keeps coming down.

Demi had wrote this song late one night when she was in the studio at your home. You and Maverick sleeping peacefully on the couch. You woke up and she was so excited to let you hear it. You can remember the tears falling down your face. Kind of just like now.

This life would kill me If I didn't have you
I couldn't live without you baby
I wouldn't want to
If you didn't love me so much
I'd never make it through
'Cause this life would kill me
This life would kill me if I didn't have you.

Finally it had become a bed time ritual that Maverick wanted his song as he calls it sung to him every night.

You are my heart, every breath I breathe
I'm safe in your arms, you rescue me.
When I'm weak, you're strong
If you were gone I don't know where I'd be
You were made for me

This life would kill me If I didn't have you
I couldn't live without you baby
I wouldn't want to
If you didn't love me so much
I'd never make it through
'Cause this life would kill me
This life would kill me if I didn't have you

If you didn't love me so much
(If you didn't love me so much)

This Life would kill me If I didn't have you
(This life would kill me)

Couldn't live without you baby
I wouldn't want to
If you didn't love me so much
I'd never make it through
'Cause This life would kill me
This Life would kill me if I didn't have you

By the time Demi had finished singing Maverick was asleep and drooling all over his Mommy's shoulder. And she didn't care one bit.

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