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Demi💕- So I'll be waiting for you at the airport, my family will be home this evening so it's just us for a few hours. I have a surprise for you beautiful. 😘

Demi💕- but like.. do planes go any faster, or am I just impatient.

Demi💕- Meet me at the Starbucks baby. I'll be the one running to you! ❤️

You laughed out loud when you check your phone. You decided to call her instead of replying.

"Y/N! Finally I was seriously getting impatient. I can't wait to see you!"

"I couldn't tell from the texts" you told her teasing. Walking closer to the Starbucks. That was when you seen her. Sitting at a table, with her straight her and those dark wash jeans. Fuck she was beautiful. "Demi, turn around."

She immediately jumped out of her chair and looked for you. Finally making eye contact she took off running towards you, you dropped your bags just in time to catch her. Burying her face in your neck she sighed. In what you could've sworn was contentment.

"Fuck Y/N I missed you so much"
"I missed you too baby, I missed you too"
"Come on, let's go home."

You wished it was home. Your home. Her home. Together.

"So I have a surprise for you" Demi tells you as you walk in the house holding her hand as she guides you to her room.
"What is it?" You asked apprehensively.
"Come on babe, you're gonna love it" she says as she opens the door. Your jaw drops. There in this bedroom is a bed, perfectly made with a canopy over it. All your favorite candy and juice laid out on the bed. You notice a light from the tv. Hoosiers. She remembered? Flowers on the nightstand.

"D-Demi.. you didn't have to do all this." You choke out. Almost in tears at her thoughtfulness.

"I know.. I wanted too. I wanted to spend time with you alone. Plus.. ever since you brought up Hoosiers anytime I miss you I watch it. So it's kinda my thing now. Come on I need cuddles!" Who are you to argue. She lays her head on your chest, holding you tightly as she presses play. Perfection.

After the movie ends and you two are munching on left over popcorn Demi leans down into the candy bag. You hear a wrapper open but don't really pay attention until you hear Demi clear her throat.

"Uhm.. Y/N.. I need to talk to you.."
"What's up beaut-" you stop when you see the cuteness overload in front of you. Looking at her with a huge grin, she's got a Ring Pop on one hand and taking your hand in the other.
"Well, I want you to know that I really like you. You make me feel so many things. I know long distance wasn't what we wanted. Hell I didn't even know I wanted anything until I met you. But you are something else. Other worldly babe. And I don't want to waste another minute without being able to call you mine. So.. Y/N, would you make me the happiest woman ever and be my girlfriend?"
At this point tears are rolling down your face. You can't even form words, so you nod your head yes and grab her face to meet your lips. You whisper "of course."

"Demi, you are more than I could've hoped for. More than I deserve. I.. I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you for being you."

"Stop it, you deserve the world. And probably a nap before meeting my parents as my official girlfriend. How bout it? Wanna cuddle up with your hot girlfriend and take a nap?"

"I think that sounds perfect."

I've noticed writing these.. I'm a horrible writer. Which sucks but I'm trying. I have so many ideas of why I want to happen! Let me know if there is something specific you guys would want to see! Thanks y'all!

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