Thats my girl!

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It had been two weeks since you got back home to
Nashville. You spent most of your afternoons with your family at the farm. They filled approved of the move you and Demi were currently in the middle of. Your mom can't stop calling Demi. She's bought so many things for your house already. Which you
Told her was crazy considering you'd only just put an offer in this morning. Your dad was already becoming too much. Going through all the household maintenance you would need to remember. Because I'm his eyes if you can't take care of it yourself what's the point? Your whole family had promised to come out to visit as soon as you got settled. Which you thought was the cutest thing. They hadn't even thought about it until your mom was talking on FaceTime to Demi one day and you heard Demi practically begging her to come out to LA. God you loved that woman. You had put your apartment up and someone had bought it. Check that off the honey do list. You had applied for several jobs out there. Landing one with the LA Sparks as the Team Physical Therapist. Demi had known one of the players and they had mentioned they were looking for a new team doctor and she threw your name in the mix. Bless that woman for helping you get your dream job. Your life was falling into place. You had turned in your resignation at work this morning. Only to find out you had won Physical Therapist of the Year at your office. There was a Gala set soon and it just so happened to be the day before Demi got here. Timing was shitty. But you couldn't be extremely sad. You were getting her everyday when you moved to LA. Demi had done a few more interviews mainly about her new album. With the millions of questions thrown in about you. She answered them with confidence.

"Yes, I'm very happily taken."
"There will be songs on the album about her!"
"It's always going to be Y/N."
"Go check out the latest screenshot of her favorite on FaceTime on my Instagram"

She was always taking pictures of you, ranting about you in interviews. You were incredibly blessed. Your phone brought you out of your thoughts. You answered quickly.

"Hey beautiful, how'd the studio go?"


"Got what? A new studio?" You laughed at her screaming through the phone.

"What? Why would I get a studio? Well I mean I did get a new studio. But THE DREAM HOUSE. We got the fucking dream house babe!" She said excitedly into the phone.

"Demi are you kidding me right now. It's not nice to joke about this. HOLY SHIT I HOPE YOURE NOT JOKING!" You exclaimed.

"I'm not! I got the call from the realtors right before I called you. We're officially home owners babe." She smiled through the phone.

"God I love you. So on top of that news I have good news to!" You told her. You wanted to tell her about the award you were being given. You knew she'd be sad she couldn't come but proud of you.

"Tell me now! This day is seriously perfect!" Demi told you giggling.

"My company emailed me this morning. They do Galas every year where awards are given out. I won Physical Therapist of the Year!"

"Baby are you fucking joking? That's awesome! I'm so fucking proud of you Y/N. When's the Gala? Do I get to be your plus one?" Demi asked even more excited now than before.

Your voice shook for a split second. "It's on Saturday. The day before you get here. I wish you could be my plus one though." You tried to erase the dejected tome in your voice. Demi had already told you that Saturday she was scheduled for an all day studio session to finish some work on her album.

"Damn it. Of course. I can't believe I'm going to miss it!" Demi was already sounding sad.

"Baby it's alright. I understand. Jobs are jobs. My family will be there. I'll have my mom FaceTime you if you can take a break how about that? I'll make sure she sends you pictures."

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