The First Date

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It's been two days since you trained with Demi at the gym. Today was your first official date. You weren't nervous per se. You and Demi had gotten pretty close pretty fast. Both feeling comfortable enough to tell each other things you would normally keep to yourself. She called you yesterday when she was having a bad day with food. You had called her the day before when you had gotten into a minor disagreement with your dad. But today.. today you couldn't call her. Because she was going to pick you up in two hours and you were slightly worried about what to wear. Demi has told you casual but what did casual mean to her? Jeans? A sundress? A fucking ball gown? No. No. You knew she wasn't like that and she wouldn't care what you wore. Then your hear your phone ringing.

"People let me tell ya bout my best friend.."
You were so glad you told Y/BF/N about that breakfast. Who else would you have to call freaking out.

"Y/BF/N thank god! I wear jeans right? She said casual! That's good right? Skinnies, a shirt, and vans. That's casual!"

"Hey shut up. Casual is whatever you feel comfortable. I'm just calling to say go get your girl! Good luck. By the way, wear the light skinnies with the white v neck that makes your boobs look awesome!" Then she hangs up. She actually hung up on you. You start getting ready, curl your hair, light make up, with the outfit your best friend picked out. Just as you grab a bottle of water you hear your doorbell. You take a breath and open the door and your breath gets caught. There she is. The one person who hasn't left your mind in the last week. Whether it was her sending you silly pictures, FaceTiming you "just to see you for a second" or calling you because she's bored.

"You look beautiful as always" Demi tells you while handing you a single rose.

"Did you look in the mirror before you left you look gorgeous! I love your hair like that" you tell her while wrapping your arms around her.

While your driving to your destination. You've been calling it that because Demi refuses to tell you where your going. You turn the radio on and laugh when you hear Give Your Heart a Break. You start singing and Demi laughs at your silliness while she lays her hand on your thigh. A few minutes later she pulls into Top Golf.

"You're seriously taking me to Top Golf?" You ask laughing.

Demi looks at you with her eyebrows raised. "You're going down Y/L/N."

After Demi lost, which she wasn't happy about. She asked if you wanted to get ice cream and set by the river.

"Y/N can I ask you something?"

"You just did. But I guess you can ask another something" you reply laughing.

"You're such a smart ass. I don't even know why I like you.." she stops herself and drops her head. You kind of freeze before tilting her chin up and looking right at her.

"Hey, I'm a smart ass. That's why you like me. And because I'm hot and I make you laugh. Those are the same reasons I like you. Well, that and I mean have you heard yourself sing? It's angelic." You say giving her a big smile.

"You.. you like me? So.. like.. you wouldn't find it weird if I asked you for a second date already. Or if I asked how you felt about me going to Texas and being in LA? If you would want to continue going on dates with me being so far away? Because honestly, that's what I want. I want to see what this is. I'm just so drawn to you. I want to have you in my life."

"Demi of course I like you. Long distance is hard. But I'd still love to see you. I'd love to go on dates with you. No matter where you live. I say. Let's do it!"

She smiles at you and wraps her arm around your shoulder. "So about that second date?"

You laugh at her. "Yeah about that, so you can totally say no. But my family has been asking about this mystery girl taking all my time and who I'm rushing off the phone with anytime they're around. How would you feel about going to a family dinner Sunday?"

"Well, I was supposed to leave Saturday. But I can leave on Monday. Perks of the private jet ya know" she winks at you. "So.. if y'all will have me. I'd love to go."

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