Cuddles, kisses, and goodbyes for now.

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Demi is currently cuddled up in one of your old t shirts and a pair of leggings in your bed. On your side to beat it all. Flipping through movies like she has been the last ten minutes.

"Demi, if you don't pick out a movie soon I'm gonna make you watch Hoosiers!" You said knowing she probably hasn't even ever heard of that movie. You know your right by the look on her face.

"Dude, what the fuck is Hoosiers? And why does it sound like a bad porno?" She said laughing.

Rolling your eyes at her "it's only the greatest basketball movie of all time. I can't believe you've never seen it. I'm going to make a list of all the best movies you have to watch."

"As long as I watch them with you, that sounds perfect. OH! How about The Exorcist?" You laughed at her excitement over a scary movie.

"Whatever you want babe. I love all the scary movies. But we have to cuddle." Demi's eyes lit up when you said that. As fast as she could she scooted closer and laid her head on your chest and threw her leg over yours. "You know, I never thought that me doing a show in Nashville would end up with me in a beautiful girls bed, the happiest I've been in a long time."

You began rubbing her back "I never thought paying for a water for some silly girl who left her wallet would end up with YOU in my bed. And when I say you, I just mean a gorgeous, funny, sweet girl. I know you're leaving in the morning but I really just want to enjoy the little time I have left with you."

Demi looked up at you and smiled, "Y/N being present in the moment with you is my new favorite thing." You felt her lips on yours and you just couldn't stop. You kissed for what felt like ever. Just getting to know each other in a more intimate way. Your hands gently exploring each other. Until you both started laughing when you heard a scream from the movie.

"I guess we should pay more attention to the movie" she said as she chuckled. "But.. you are so much better than any movie."

You laid and watched the movie. You rubbing her back. Her tracing patterns on your stomach underneath your shirt. Until you both fell asleep.

You woke up to the alarm you both set for 8am. "Y/N... shut it off please!" Demi whined into your shoulder. "If I shut it off now, I'll never let you leave. Come on and let me fix you breakfast before you have to go." You said kissing Demi's head.

When you both got done eating you sat on the couch and turned on an episode of Forensic Files.

"Y/N, what if I call you 10 times a day?" Demi asked quietly.

"Well hopefully I can answer at least half of those.

"What if I text you 5 times in a row?"

"Then I'll text you back 6 times."

"What if.."

"Demi what's going on?"

"I'm just.. scared.. nervous. I've never really done the long distance thing. What if you think I'm too needy? What if you can't handle my lifestyle? What if.. what if I lose you already?"

"Hey, listen. You're gonna go to Texas. I'm gonna fly out in 2 weeks. We're gonna talk and FaceTime every day. What if you don't lose me? What if we turn out to be perfect? What if we are just what we need? You're stuck with me now Lovato. Thank you for talking to me about that though. I love how easy it is to talk about things with you."

"Damn, you're seriously perfect. Thank you for helping me through that.. looks like it's time to go though" Demi tells you as she stands up and pulls you up with her. She hugs you tight and hides her head in your shoulder. "I'm going to miss you so much Y/N. You have no idea." You pull away and kiss her forehead, "I do.. I'm going to miss you too" you tuck her hair behind her ear and kiss her. You kiss her with all the emotion you have. Everything you want her to feel. "Oh, hey I might've hid a couple t shirts and a hoodie in your bag in case you get to missing me" you laugh. "Good, because I might've hid a shirt under your pillow for you" Demi says as she hugs you one last time. "I'll call you as soon as I land" "I'll be waiting babe. Be safe."

And just like that. Your whole world changes. You set back and think about how everything will be different. How a chance meeting has changed everything. For the better.

So hopefully you guys are enjoying this story! Do you feel like the chapters are too long? It seems like sometimes I have to break them up which I don't mind doing. But most of these chapters will have 700+ words at the least. 🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks again for reading!

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