Can we do this?

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It's May 1st. You and Demi are sitting in your dining room talking to her team. You and Demi had talked about her taking a break from music. Which you didn't want her to feel like she had to. So when she came to you with the idea of a tour starting in January of next year you were all for it. Now sitting here listening to the whole team discuss The who, what, when, and where you were actually getting excited. Everyone here was pumped about the plans to bring the baby on tour. It was going to be the start of a new world, and a new Demi. A new dynamic. Solely centered around family. Which seemed to be the center of everything you all do these days. You drifted off in la la land until you heard Scooter.

"Don't forget you guys have Ellen tomorrow." Demi was firm on not doing interviews and getting more fans just because she was pregnant. You both were actually kind of friends with Ellen so it made sense that the only interview you would do would be with her. "I set up a FaceTime call with her for this evening because she wanted to go over some questions and things just to make sure she's not going to be upsetting you or invading too much." Scooter said. Demi looked at him seriously, "It'll be fine, we will take care of it. Then tomorrow we also have the designer coming to finish Mavs room. Our parents will be here until we get back. So that's everything then?" She asked quietly. What was wrong. You knew by the look in her eyes something was up. Scooter nodded and got up. "That is. Have a good day guys, I'll see you tomorrow." Demi showed him out as you went to putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

A minute later you get hands snaking around your waist. "Kelsey said she would be here in the morning, and that she was happy to stay until after the designer left if we needed her too." You turned your head and nodded. "What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" You questioned your wife.

Demi pulled back and turned you around. "Let's go on a baby moon!" She said excitedly. "A baby what?" You laughed. "A baby moon, you know.. like a honey moon, before the baby gets here. Just a little time to ourselves before we're neck deep in shit and no sleep." You laughed even harder. "Wow babe, you make mom life sound so fascinating." She rolled her eyes. "Okay, I guess I should tell you I've planned an early Mother's Day gift for you which includes the baby moon. Soo in a few weeks we're going on a baby moon." You couldn't help but wonder why she would do that. She must've noticed your thinking face. "Don't look like that. We're not going too far away, and the doctor already approved it. And our families will be watching the house." You smiled at her. "Honey, honestly I was just thinking that I should've been way ahead of you on the Mother's Day, I'm kind of disappointed." She groaned and grabbed your face. "You are a mom too. This day is about both of us. So, it can be for both of us." She kissed you hard. Hearing her moaning into your mouth you felt her hands roam your body. Well at least you did. Until you felt her pull away. "Fuck, why are you always so sexy?" Demi asked laughing. "I don't know but you sure lucked out." You told her before heading to your room to start looking for her Mother's Day gift. You could've sworn you heard her mumble a simple reply. "Yes, yes I did."

You and Demi are sitting in the dressing room when you hear a knock. "Come in" you answer. Ellen strolls in with a huge jar of pickles and you and Demi both start dying laughing. "Thanks Ellen." Demi tells her. "Where's the peanut butter?" She asked jokingly. Seeing Ellen give a face of disgust she says. "I swear pregnant women are so weird." You look right at her. "You have no idea." Demi playfully smacks your arm. "Damn guys, I'm literally right here." Ellen laughs and says, "I'm just kidding. But hey, I know we went over most of our questions last night, but I was wondering if you wanted to play a version of the newlywed game on the show?" Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Demi is seriously more competitive than you. She's not afraid at all to throw you under the bus. So you're not surprised when immediately you hear a "Hell yes!" Coming from your wife.

"Please welcome our last guests, we all know and love them. My friends, Demi and Y/N Lovato!" Demi's song, "Tell Me You Love Me" is playing as Demi holds your hand you guiding her to set down. Making sure she's comfortable you give her the pillow and kiss her forehead before sitting down on the couch. After pleasantries are exchanged Ellen looks back and forth between you too. Obviously this is going to go faster than you thought.

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