Interview surprises.

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Demi's been gone for a week now and you can't stop thinking about her. You've been talking every day since she left. Today she told you she had an interview on Ellen.

"Hurry up or your gonna miss your girl walking out!" You hear Y/BF/N yelling at you from the living room. "I'm coming I wouldn't miss it!" Just then you hear your phone go off.

"About to go on stage, hope you're watching. 💕"

You decide to reply back to her even though she won't see it until after the interview.

"Wouldn't miss it beautiful. Call me when you can. 💙"
They discuss Demi's last tour, her music, and how she's been since staying in Texas with her family. Demi talks about her fans, and how she's doing with recovery and her love of BJJ, even Batman and Ella. But you start getting a nervous feeling in your stomach when you hear Ellen ask the dreaded question you both have not really talked about.

"So, Demi everyone wants to know. Are you still living the single life?"

"Ellen! You know I like to keep that part of my life as private as possible. But, to be honest, I wouldn't say I'm single exactly.." Demi tells her with a huge smile on her face.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with the pictures of you and a mystery girl that have been floating around would it?" Ellen inquires as pictures of the two of you pop up. There's only three but still.

"It would, but for now I'd like to keep it as private as possible. I'm just going to say she is amazing and I've never been happier! We actually haven't even talked about what would happen if this got brought up so let's hope that she doesn't hate me after this" Demi finishes with that laugh you love.

Ellen finishes the interview asking questions about new music and plans for Demi. When you look down at your phone and send a quick text.

"I saw the interview, you answered perfectly. For now 😉 I could never hate you. You're amazing."

Later that night as you lay in bed you jump when you hear

"When will you realize? Baby, I'm not like the rest!.."

You answer the FaceTime call and immediately smile. "Hey you"

Demi pops up with a makeup free face, wearing one of your t shirts. "Hey baby, did you like the interview?"

How can she ever doubt that you wouldn't love anything she does? "Of course, you looked beautiful. Not gonna lie though, I got a little sad when you said you thought I'd hate you. I could never hate you Demi."

"Y/N honestly, I'm just so scared that this will all scare you away. The interviews, the paparazzi, the fans, the attention.. I just want to make sure you're comfortable. Especially because I don't want to hide you."

"Baby, we won't have to hide.. not for long. I promise. I can't wait to meet your family next week! And get some kisses. Have I mentioned how much I love your lips" you tell her with a wink.

"Only a thousand times a day, I can't wait to see you either! I'm so excited!" Demi tells you with a yawn.

"Get some rest beautiful, only 7 more sleeps until you're all mine again."

"That is the best thing I've heard all day, goodnight baby." She gives you a cute kissy

"Goodnight Dem"

You hear your phone ping with a notification from Snapchat.

God, she will be the death of you

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God, she will be the death of you. You know she stole those shorts from you. But you don't even care.

7 more sleeps. 7 more sleeps until you have her in your arms again. 7 more sleeps until you meet her family. 7 more sleeps until you ask her to officially be your girlfriend.

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