All of us.

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It had been a month since Demi released the Tell Me You Love Me album. She was currently doing her last interviews for the promo. She had two radio interviews this morning. And she was finishing up the Pretty Big Deal podcast with Ashley Graham right now. Your parents and Demi's parents had both bought houses within 15 minutes of yours and Demi's. Work was going great for you. The new work outs you'd implemented had been doing great! The only thing that was beginning to worry you was that Demi was beginning to show. Rumors have started so the paparazzi are trying to get pictures. But so far no articles have come out. You and your wife have both talked about it and decided that after the gender reveal party the week after the ultrasound you would announce it. Today though you really just wanted to meet your wife at home and take her out.

"Don't wanna break your heart!..." Demi must be done with the podcast.

"Hey gorgeous!" You said answering the FaceTime call.

"Hey baby you busy?" She looked beautiful, casual jean jacket. Those black stretchy pants she loves wearing since she found out she's pregnant.

"No actually, it's a really slow day. So I'm hanging here til 7 and then I'll be home." She smiled her big smile.

"No need, I'm about to pull in. I didn't want to be home alone." She pouted.

"Pretty nice coincidence I'm not busy huh." You told her laughing.

"Well.. I might've texted Sam and she said you were just going over workouts. So I thought it'd be okay if I just come hang out in your office." She giggled a little.

"Of course. I'll see you in a few. Just come on in when you get here baby. I love you!"

Hearing a knock at your door you looked up to see Sam and Demi. "Look at this hot chick I found wandering around the arena!" Sam said pointing at your wife. You picked up the closest thing to you, a wadded you piece of paper, and chucked it at her. Nailing her right in the forehead. Demi started laughing. "You know Sam, for a professional basketball player your reflexes could use some work." She just laughed and walked away. Meeting Demi by the door you kissed her before closing it.

"How was the podcast baby?" Her eyes lit up. "It was actually really awesome. We got to all about my views on certain things, the fashion industry. You.. And then after we were even talking about pregnancy and stuff. It was really nice just being able to talk to someone else who's a little farther along ya know?" You nodded, "I'm glad you had a good time." Before she could even respond she yawned. Demi grabbed her pillow she always carries and threw it below the table, right by your chair. "Baby? What are you doin? Why are you laying in the floor?" You raised your brow. "I'm just a little sleepy but I can't sleep in the chair. And I don't want to be away from you." She lays her head down and within minutes she's asleep. You snap a quick picture before telling your boss that you're done for the day.

20 minutes later you make your way back into your office and wake Demi up. "Baby come on.. let's go home." She rolled to look at you. "Mm it's 7 already?" You quietly laughed. "No baby but I'm taking you home. Max is waiting by the car, let's go."

Walking into the house you and Demi both moaned as you smelled dinner. Dianna and your mom were both in the kitchen. Tonight was the first night both families would be officially living in their new homes. Dianna was the first to speak. "So the doctor called and said if you could make it there by 6 they can do your ultra sound tonight instead of waiting for tomorrow! So we can go ahead with the Gender Reveal party Friday." Your mom and Dianna both had big grins. Demi just chuckled. "Okay momma, we can go and then come back for dinner.

You and Demi decided that Dianna and your mom would get the gender in an envelope and you two, along with everyone else would find out at the party. Walking out of the doctors office they were all giggles. And now Demi was changing her mind. "Seriously mom! I changed my mind I wanna know! We can't keep calling the baby Peanut!" You laughed. "Y/Moms/N, tell her to gimme the envelope! I'm dying here!" As Demi reached for the envelope Dianna pushed it into her purse. "Two day's Demetria! You'll be fine!"

@y/nlovato - when your wife is too exhausted but has to be close to you

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@y/nlovato - when your wife is too exhausted but has to be close to you. 🥺😭 needless time say I brought my sweet angel home and I am currently holding her while she sleeps. Seeing everything your doing blows my mind daily. I love you more than anything @ddlovato

@maddelegarza - y'all are the cutest!

@wnba - such a precious couple!

@sensesfail - awww!

Laying down that night holding a slightly snoring Demi you let your mind begin to wonder. As your hand caressed her growing baby bump you decided to have your nightly talk with your little Peanut. Carefully settling yourself between her legs raising her shirt up over the bump you laid your forehead against it. You began whispering.

"Hey there Peanut. It's your momma. In two days we find out if you're a little boy or a little girl. Honestly I'm happy either way. But I promise you, all that matters is that you're healthy." You stopped to kiss her belly. "I can't wait to see your mom hold you, and feed you. If we're having an honesty hour I guess I should tell you I'm scared. Scared of not knowing what you need, not giving you everything. Scared of messing you up." You glanced up quickly because Demi shifted. Seeing her eyes still closed you continued. "You're going to have the best mom in the world. She will love you more than life. She's going to teach you so much. You have the perfect role model in her. I'm hoping that going make up for my mistakes. So.. your mom is a fucking superstar. Shit I shouldn't. Dang it! I mean no cussing. Don't cuss that's bad. But she is. She's a superstar. And she has the voice of an angel. So I'm gonna steal her words. Because I know you'll never ask for me to sing to you. I'm going to now. And if you hate it, well.. I can't see your face. So act like you like it okay." You felt a little movement over her stomach. This had just been happening the last two weeks and you couldn't get enough of it. You began singing.

"I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me"

You felt hands in your hair and looked up to see Demi smiling at you.

Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me
I know you're there
You could be my sanity
But bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale"

You met your wife's eyes again and seen the tears falling down.

I don't know what I'd do without you
Your words are like a whisper cutting through
As long as you are with me here tonight
I'm good"

Demi pulled you up to her and wrapped her arms around you. "What were you doing?" She asked quietly. "Just having my bonding time with the little Peanut." You told her. "How much did you hear?"

She sighed. "Well, enough to know that you have no reason to be scared Y/N. We're going to be fine. And we will both make mistakes." You nodded your head wondering if she knew about every night you've been doing this. "Plus, that song was so much better than you rapping Eminem to our kid." You jerked your head up and looked at her. "Demi! That was the first night! You've known about this the whole time?" You asked her embarrassed. She slowly nodded. "Please don't be mad. I know you just wanted to have your time with the baby. So I just pretended to stay asleep. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." You stayed quiet for a minute. "Well, how about we do this together from now?"

Sooo! Let me know how yall are feeling about the story?! I'm honestly so excited for the next few chapters! Thanks for reading! 💙

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