Past pictures and future plans

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Your whole family is sat in the living room. Your brother watching the football game and throwing in commentary when your mom and dad show Demi another picture of you and your brother. "This was when Y/N convinced her brother that they could fly like Superman if they had a cape. So they tied curtains around their neck and jumped from the hayloft." Demi was hysterically laughing at this point. "Oh my gosh Y/N look how cute you are!" Your mom smiled. Then your dad starting laughing "And then this was a few hours later when she broke her arm trying to fly" he said while showing Demi a picture of you about 9 years old with a bright yellow cast on your arm.
"Look this was when she wanted to be a cowgirl!" Your mom shows her another picture of you on top of a cow with a cowboy hat, boots, a big belt buckle, and a plaid shirt. Demi's eyes lit up "aw! My little cowgirl! I need a copy of this!"

"Okay okay! Y'all mind if I show MY GIRL around the farm? Can I take the RZR?" You look to your dad and he nods his head. "Keys on the ring, you come back to say bye before you leave, got it?" You grabbed Demi's hand and lead her out the back to the garage.

"Your girl huh?" She asked showing off her smile.
"Well they hadn't stopped calling you that all day so I figured I'd try it out. How was it?" Demi looked at you lovingly "It was perfect Y/N"

You drove her down to your spot. A hill on the far side of the farm. You could turn around and look out over everything. "Wow, it's gorgeous here." She said taking it all in. "It is, it's one of my favorite places. Still not as beautiful as you. But I brought you here because I wanted to talk"

"Oh-okay what's going on?" She asked worriedly. You wrap your arms around her waist and begin
"Well, I know you leave tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to stay at my place tonight. I just want to spend all the time with you I can. I was kind of wondering if you maybe wanted to set a date to get together again. I'd really love to come out to LA and see you and sight see a little bit. And I have some vacation time. I just.. if this is too much just.." Demi cut you off by pushing your hair back behind your ear and cupping your cheeks in her hands. She brings your face closer to her, as she leans in and you feel her lips against yours. Soft, slow, but full of emotion. You pull back just a little, but she just kisses you again.

"I've been wanting to do that since our first date. This place felt right. But then you wouldn't shut up." You just kiss her again before she keeps on talking.
"I guess we know how to make each other be quiet huh." You tell her laughing. "I guess so"

"But Y/N I would love to stay at your place tonight. And I think it'd be awesome if you came out to LA. But.. I'll be in Texas for a few weeks with my family. So, we could meet up there? I can take you sight seeing there and then when you come to LA I can show you around. We can talk and text and FaceTime as much as we can until then. And honestly this isn't too much. Because.. I wanted to talk to you. I don't want to see other people. I want to see you. My family knows about you. There's been a couple pictures come out of us. You've been great, amazing. And I know I only want you. I want to make this work." You couldn't help but smile. "Me too babe." She grabs you by your belt loops and pulls you into her "good thing, now kiss me cowgirl" she smiles into the kiss and all you can think about is how lucky you are.

Seriously so nervous that this sucks and I'm wasting my time. Hahaha. But I have soooo many chapters of this already wrote out. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ oh well 😂 are these chapters too long? Thanks for reading!!

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