Family Dinners and Laughter

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You and Demi had talked every day since your date. She told you today she was a little nervous about going to your family dinner. Especially how you had explained you hadn't brought anyone to a dinner in a year and a half. Even your ex had stopped going because she never got along with your family. Which made Demi a little nervous. She wanted them to like her. Because with every passing day she was falling for you just like you were falling for her. You decided to call her because it was 11:00. You told her you'd pick her up around 11:15 because the drive to the farm took about 30 or 45 minutes. Then you had to describe your parents lack of enthusiasm for tardiness. When you got to her hotel room and knocked on the door you couldn't help but laugh as she held up flats and sneakers.

"Sneakers right? We're going to a farm, of course I should wear sneakers. God I hope we're not late because I couldn't find shoes." She rambles on and you just sit and smile and nod your head until she sets beside you to put her shoes on. Only then do you get her to shut up.

"You are so beautiful. Like breathtaking" you say as you lean in to kiss her on the cheek. You still haven't kissed yet. And truthfully it was killing you. "Come on darlin, let's go" you told her as you grabbed her hand and walked her to the car.

On the way there Demi kept fidgeting with her rings so you grabbed her hand in yours and looked at her. "They know about you, just not that you're Demi Lovato. But they will love you. Because I like you. There's no reason to feel nervous. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." You tell her. You're surprised a little when Demi leans over gently and whispers "okay" next to your ear and brushing her lips against your cheek. You see her turn and look as you turn down a long drive way. Watching the fields go by.

You take Demi's hand and guide her to the big front porch "I'm right here, just remember they can be a little much" She smiles and says "Hugs instead of handshakes I remember" you laugh at her as you both hear the door open. You look up and smile
"Momma, we were just about to come in"

"Y/N you told me you were bringing a date. You didn't tell me your date was Demi Lovato."

You notice Demi's cheeks turning a cute shade of pink and you see her walk up to your mom.
"Hi Mrs. Y/L/N, it's so nice to meet you. Y/N has told me so much about y'all." Demi says while sticking her hand out.

Your mom just smiles at her and wraps her arms around her
"Oh honey, I'm Y/M/N, or Momma. Whichever you feel comfortable. Now come on the foods waiting on us!" Your mom says while dragging Demi into the kitchen. Your brother immediately jumps up and you throw the football you got him and he dives on the couch to catch it.

"Y/F/N Y/M/N don't think just because I'm in the kitchen I didn't see you throw that ball to him. Get your butt in here and fix your girl a plate before she realizes she's got a hoodlum for a girlfriend!" Your face reddens and you put your head down while walking to the kitchen. "Momma! She's not.." Your mom looks at you with the face. "Be a darlin and fix that girl a plate." "Yes Momma"

You look at Demi and see her giggling and she mouths "Y/M/N? Really?" You just roll your eyes and begin fixing her plate. Your mother at one end of the table, your dad at the other. Your brother and his girlfriend setting across from you and Demi. You all make small talk, mostly everyone getting to know Demi. When your mom brings the last bowl out and grabs Demi's hand "We're gonna say Grace now honey if it's okay with you?" Your brother drops his fork making a loud clattering sound. "These kids I swear I just want to make sure the girl is comfortable" Demi smiles at you and back to your mom. "Yes ma'am that's perfectly fine with me" Your dad looks at you beaming "Y/N, don't let this one get away. Bring her back next Sunday why don't ya." Your dad starts asking Demi a little about her life, living in LA, what she thought about his cattle. Until everyone was chiming in and you barely had a chance to get a word in. You looked to Demi and noticed she looked like she was having a great time. Trying not to think about tomorrow you just enjoyed the time with your family and the amazing girl you met by pure chance.

Hopefully this is halfway decent. Leave some comments guys! Let me know what you think about the story! Thank you!!

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